Clicking random things is a great way to kill the boredom. But when you end up finding any random things, then what could be our object for photography? In such case, we end up clicking our own picture. For me, clicking our legs especially the goot is a great way to get rid of boredom. Yesterday, when we were three of us, then it was fun clicking our foot pictures.
Photography can add life to our images by helping us appreciate the world around us, and by capturing moments in time to preserve and share. People may consider it as an insane work, but I had read somewhere, that Clicking our foot can be a subtle way to relieve stress or tension in a situation that might feel uncomfortable or overwhelming. In our case. It was fun by doing do, we made most of our parents time and ended up with many pictures. Actually we were trying to get more creative with our pictures.
Firstly, we tried to capture our foots and then tried to cover the empty spaces using our thumbs. It was all a kind of our crazy adventure. We had some odd time while waiting in a mall. But ultimately enjoyed the little pamperdness, as we trying to negotiate the time. But it was good experience. Photography can help us notice things we might not otherwise have noticed.