Where they hide...

in #hive-192806last year

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It's been over 7 days since I posted on Hive and it already feels weird. I could say that I've had a bit of a busy season (pure understatement😅) and that it's just because of that, but that would be a lie.
I log on to Hive daily, several times a day in fact, to view and vote on posts, but sitting down to type is another story.

Anyway, music is magic, so when I'm feeling a little down, various musical themes always come to mind. That's why I was motivated to write something, a brushstroke of whatever this post is that I couldn't decide whether to post it, in catharsis, or leave it alone on my blog. In the end, I chose this community because it was definitely the music that moved my fingers after days of apathetic statism. The songs I'll be referring to are self-explanatory.

When I think about this "down" moment of creativity, it may also be because the experiences I have had are of the type that I do not like to "air" in public. I think I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times in my almost 40 years of life that I have sat down to talk to someone about things that happen to me or that I feel, I do not mean, for example, to tell the work we went through to solve a funeral home where to see a great aunt who died a few days ago (true story), that is a "little complaint" of the classic ones, the ones you say because you do not believe it yourself. But no, I'm talking about opening your soul and telling from the depths of your heart what you really feel inside. That which tortures you, but which you hide in a little box in a corner of your mind.

Usually for me, it's the other way around, I end up being the place where friends come to tell me their problems. Something that doesn't bother me at all, and I listen to them with infinite patience, for some reason they seek me out to talk, and I marvel at the ease with which they say some things that I wouldn't dare say out loud. Applause for them 👏.

The reason is that I am, always have been, quite introspective, with various/many little things. I kind of keep them to myself and try to work them out without torturing someone else, who surely has his own demons to deal with. Surely here comes the "no, but don't keep things to yourself, just confront them, and you'll see that everything is seen from a different angle and better" HA! It seems to me that I am too skeptical?! Cynical? To believe that "everything" will be solved by talking about it. Besides, in order to talk about certain topics, I would first have to be able to put them into words, and sometimes feelings are just that, feelings or states of mind. It is the same with religion and its representatives.... (here came a phrase that I preferred to eliminate so as not to offend sensibilities)

The few times I have tried to discuss certain topics, I have ended up being "lectured?!" on how I should do/say/or even think such a thing, and hell no, don't even dream that you can change my mind about the fundamental things in life with verbiage, that has been tried and discarded. It is not ignorance or disrespectful stubbornness, nor "not following advice", but I know that it is almost always "do what I say, but not what I do", then it is difficult for me to listen to others who I know are as screwed up in their minds as I could be. (See what I said about being cynical? There is no remedy)

I have always been discreet. To share some ideas from my mind or sensations or feelings, seems to me a violation of my own privacy and it's something crazy because I deeply admire those who manage to write poems opening their chest and tearing their shirt like Camarón. Sometimes I read nanixxx just to see how free she is in expressing the things that come to her mind and it feels good cool to see something like that and so beautifully written, although yes, I also know that nanixxx is crazy 😂🤣 (enana loviu 😋) and has her own demons.

If you're reading this and freaking out, don't 😂. Well, that's up to you, that's why I'm not telling anything and this is just scratching the surface...

I think we all have a dark side, and it can increase or decrease depending on the circumstances you live in. If I go to a psychologist now, it will most likely be a diagnosis of mild depression, because of (my stuff)... but... if I tell them everything, they will fill me with pills 🤣 and lock me up in a madhouse, so I better not and go through life as a normal person 🤣. (Don't think for a minute that I underestimate what depression is or can become, I've seen it up close, and it's fucking awful stuff) But right now it's not my case, just a temporary emotional state because of very specific things. The other demons are always there, but they are old and familiar ones that we deal with day in and day out. They live in all of us to a greater or lesser extent.

With this post it's a step forward, and as darkness exists, so does light, see you there, where, despite my myopia, I can see much better.

Translated with DeepL


I totally agree, it is brave to be able to open up and tell our things, not all of us can, or not always. I love these two songs, the second one I hadn't seen the video until now. The music is tremendously healing 🙌

First of all, I am sorry for the loss in your family!

{hope that today's story of mine didn't affect you in a negative way 🙏}

(See what I said about being cynical? There is no remedy)

😂😂 hahaha

If this post had come just a week ago I would try to bring here a lot of sunshine by all means... ahora te mando un abrazo y deseo que tengamos paciencia with ourselves and our demons and yes, completely agree:

as darkness exists, so does light


También, creo que es tu primer post en esta comunidad... bienvenida 😎 {si me equivoco - perdón. Una vez le di la bienvenida a una usuaria, como si fuera su primera publicación, y resultó que ya publicó en la comunidad dos, tres veces 😅 }.

hope that today's story of mine didn't affect you in a negative way

No Miss Piano, your post was beautiful and did not affect me negatively. I did have a loss in the family, but the great-aunt was not someone I had a very close relationship with, which made it easier to deal with. In fact, I really liked the post because even though it seems a little weird, I like funerary architecture and I owe myself a trip to do a photo shoot in the cemetery that I told you is very beautiful. At least a big part of it.

Tengamos paciencia with ourselves and our demons

That's the way I usually deal with them, I let them settle down a little bit at a time after they get stirred up. I throw them a ball or a book to keep them entertained and not bother me too much...

También, creo que es tu primer post en esta comunidad... bienvenida 😎

Yes, this time you are right! 🤣
This is my first post here so thank you very much for la Bienvenida. What a terrible first post of mine! 😅
With all the things that music inspires me
...well...it definitely won't be the last one, so I'll see you here often, And hopefully with happier stuff...

Yay! 🤗
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Gracias @pumarte y @ecency por el empujoncito 🤗

I will be with you through thick and thin. I can listen to you all day complain, battle your demons and I'll be silent until you've drained it all out.
Maybe I'm crazy, yes, but I'm here if you need me.

Can you imagine, Nani, that I go to your house and we spend the whole day on your terrace, me complaining? oh no! After that, we would need an exorcism for us and your house. Thank you for offering. Although I can still go, but just to drink coffee and dar muela( esto no hay traductor que lo entienda) ... it happens to me a little like you...it's hard for me to leave the house.

What we have to do is to play sports, sport is healthy for the soul too.

So come have coffee and spend some time with me and we'll start next week with the courts. But sure, no I can't, I don't have time. Let's start calling the guys together.

Rauli me dijo la semana que viene tambien...menos el jueves que trabajo..cualquier dia de momento.


Yes, light needs darkness to be. ❤️
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Thank you very much for your support. That's how it is, we all have our darker sides, the important thing is to try not to let it take up all the space. That is the battle.

Ayyyy mi ángel !!! Aquí está mi hombro...

Yo también he sido paño de lágrimas de mis amigos, hasta los 40, pero a partir de ahí no guardo nada. Soy consciente de lo que pasa cuando acumulamos emociones, aunque sea gritando al aire hay que sacarlas. Conocí el Yoga en esa época y la alegría se instaló para siempre en mi vida, sean las circunstancias que sean. Y doy el berro durísimo pero sin afectarme, como catarsis teatral para descongestionar el corazón. Me encantaría saber cantar, eso sana el alma de lo que sea.

De todas maneras ya sabes, mi hombro está disponible 🙏

Los de los amigos..bueno.. Eso me toca porque es parte del "trabajo" de serlo, no me afecta escucharles..antes si, sobre todo cuando después de dos horas de conversación iban y hacían exactamente lo que habíamos quedado que no le convenía que hiciera por 1,2,3,4... infinitas razones de peso... y terminaban en consecuencias que igualmente me involucraban... pero igual les entendía porque era su vida...

Me encantaría saber cantar, eso sana el alma de lo que sea.

Una manera de canalizar todo eso..con canto..baile...ejercicios... a mi me gustaría poder tocar el piano...

Yoga para aplacar la mente... cuando empezamos?!

Ayyyy si...😂 Tal cual, el ejercicio de ver a todos hacer lo contrario de lo que debían hacer para dejar de llorar fortaleció mi nivel de compasión y tolerancia.

Yoga ya !!!...la semana que viene estoy publicando horarios, esta me la tomé de descanso porque el curso me llevaba corriendo 😜 Así que ve preparando tu manta !!!! 💖

Preparo mi manta, pero mi cuerpo..ay sari 😂 prepárate para esto😅 va a ser un reto de verdad

Tu tranquila que el yoga es para todos, cualquier condición y edad. El yoga se adapta a los Seres y no al revés. Las poses que ves en Instagram puede hacerlas un gimnasta o un bailarín entrenado desde pequeño. Yoga va más allá de entrenar el cuerpo, lo decubrirás !!! Va de descubrir la belleza en la conexión cuerpo-mente, de vivir feliz. A pesar de todos los pesares. Tu cuerpo dentro de un mes te dirá cosas hermosas.


Hive allows me to air those things I have hidden so well for so long. It's almost as though writing it on my Hive account means I am talking to a therapist.

Over here, no one judges you or tries to lecture you. You will find people like you who understand how it feels to stay silent because of the fear of being judged.

This song that you picked makes me teary, I am going to add it to my playlist and probably play it for the rest of the week.

Luke you, I have people always opening their hearts to me, but I find it difficult to do that too.

I love imagine dragons, their music speaks to the soul.

Oh my, the song, unstoppable, I place Sia on repeat every time the world throws me a curveball. This song makes me strong enough to stand against my adversity.

Oh my, I just did a full post for you as a comment. I'm sorry 😔

Sending hugs and kisses 😘

Hi there!!! Well, I'm glad to read your comment/post hahahahaha. Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite bands, or the music I like the most in general, although I tend to be mega eclectic in my musical tastes.

Add the song to your playlist, but if you listen to it for a whole week, you'll be crying all the time hahahaha.

It's probably easier for some of us to listen than to speak, and it's not so much the fear of being judged, that doesn't worry me that much, but rather not being understood...and I don't blame them, sometimes you don't even understand yourself hehehe.

Sia's song, well, I sing horribly, and my poor neighbors have had to put up with me playing the singer all the time, hahahaha, the whole under-the-shower thing just doesn't work for me.😅😂
Thank you very much for leaving me your words here 🤗

Jane I don't know anyone living in Cuba right now who is not going through a depression either because of family problems or because of the whole situation we are living in, which is really unbearable and unsustainable.
some express it others do not express it others prefer to drink a bottle of rum or a case of beer and with that they cover it what they are feeling but in reality it is very difficult to see a person who feels happy today in Cuba in any of my circles of friendships I have them.
the accumulation of so many problems and so many situations that are beyond our control and the lack of possibility to solve them and to get rid of this burden makes us feel very frustrated with everything we are experiencing.
I sincerely hope that we all have the strength to find a way out of this situation that we are experiencing today.
If anything helps, you can count on me and my friendship...🤗🤗

Thank you very much Rauli🤗. It is true that the situation of the country is terrible and although one tries not to be affected by it, something always seeps in and erodes the terrain. We need to play Frontenis now! sport is good for all this.

For sure, next week we'll start the canchas again!

Yes!!!! Hasta ahora solo tengo el jueves complicado.!!!