It was just a dream... but Black Shadow is real!

in #hive-1928062 years ago

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At that moment, when I was already on the spot, when I needed the scores, I realized that I had left them at home. I tried to explain to him, the director if he could then take over my part of the job so I could go home to pick up the things I had forgotten. Or if he could go to my house to get them. He did not understand the seriousness of the situation, as if he did not understand why it was so important...

I started to feel weird. Doubts also started to creep deeper into my mind. Why I am at school but I need the scores for the rehearsal? Something was not matching here...

When I opened my eyes, and slowly started to recognize the walls of my room, the furniture and the familiar place: home, then everything became clear. It was just a dream.

I was happy, as it was not for real, I didn't forget the music scores I needed for the rehearsal. It happened just in the world of dreams. But not just because of that I was happy. Also because of that fact, I have finally remembered a dream of mine. The thing is that for some time, I keep forgetting what I am dreaming about. I already missed this sensation, to be able to think about my dreams while awake. I do have some flashbacks from some dreams I think they are always subconsciously in my mind. Those are some pictures I already had in my dreams many years ago but while awake and in some undefined strange state, I clearly see them. Often. The path in the mountains, the tunnel, the curve and going to the other side of that mountain. Green and dark background. It is mixed and accompanied almost always by another dream, again a path, a curve, field, forest, a lot lighter picture, like happening around noon or early afternoon. I can geographically determine where it is, although when I went there in real life to check it, it doesn't look like that hahaha. But I am more than sure that place looked like in my dream, but maybe not now, in the present time. {I do not blame you if you think now that I miss some brain cells from my mind}.

To come back to this current dream. Music scores and rehearsal. I had yesterday a rehearsal with the choir as in a week or so we will have a concert. And just a few days ago, the director of the same choir announced another concert for June, with a Norwegian choir that will visit Spain so a joint concert with them will happen. On that one, we would perform a composition titled Negra Sombra. This one I already played last year with them and a short part of it could be heard in my very first post in the Q- inspired community, then still with another name. The video in the post doesn't work, but maybe clicking here among laughter the tune can be recognized.


So, after the dream, and knowing we will perform again that beautiful song (which made me have goosebumps and tears in my eyes - while playing it at the concert, live, last year) it is coming here in this home version (not my home, but still, it is just a home) :)

So, Negra Sombra - (Black Shadow in English) in the home version, with a "half mistake" at one point is here.

Well, who wants to guess, can let me know where I had a weak moment :D

I will not be bothered if you point it out, it would be fun to see if it is visible.


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My guess would be around 02:53, from that point the melody of the song exploded and it is very calm and just deep for reflection..

I do experience those dreams too, when I wake up, I am so grateful it was just a dream, yet in seconds I have broken memories of the dream to remember.

You are gifted with your hands and the way you play is amazing, it would be a great rendition with the joint choir

Dreams are always cool :))

If we dream of something nice, and we remember it, we can be happy as it was a pleasant thing. If we dream something bad then we can again be happy, as it was just a dream :)

About the question, with the weak moment I meant a small mistake, well it was not a mistake but I missed a note, but that is not important anymore 😇

Thanks for listening and your comment, I hope it will be good on the performance day too. Well, just I can make that hope come true or not. If I study it will be perfect :)))

I like all piano music. You played it so magnificent !

Thanks, @olympicdragon for listening and stopping by 🎶

This is so beautiful. I love the atmosphere it creates. Thanks for sharing @mipiano

Thank you @onos-f 🎶

Hermosa pieza! Olvidar las partituras es una verdadera pesadilla!! jejeje Se siente la presión cuando todos te ven con cara de pocos amigos jejeje menos mal que sólo fue un sueño. Un abrazo :)

Sí, fue solamente un sueño, pero que curiosidad !! Un par de días después , a mi compañera le pasó esto! Se ha ido a un ensayo sin partituras 😂

Well, who wants to guess, can let me know where I had a weak moment :D

Peaq: Me, Me, Me, Pick Me Please...
Mi: Yes peaq
Peaq: Okay! Thank You for picking me
...Proceeds to play video and allows the beautiful play and the solemn music to overtake her spirit, soul, and body.

Mi: Spot the mistake yet?
Peaq: Ummm, the mistake was me listening to it and now I am hooked...
I am sorry but I was taught that every mistake in music can be made into a style and you sure did a cover-up.

Mi is over Peaq at this point 😅😅😅
The End!

P.S: Thank you for a beautiful mistake. If I might confess, it was worth every note I listened to!♥️♥️♥️

Mi: Who wants to make my day?
Peaq: Me, me, me, I will be a volunteer for that!
Mi: Oh, Peaq, you already did it with your previous comment!


I am sorry but I was thought that every mistake in music can be made into a style and you sure did a cover-up.

That is a very nice cover :D and excuse for not playing perfectly :)) I will have to remember this and use it every time I play (as I every time make same mistakes hahaha)

It would sound like a cliché to say thank you a lot... but, thank you a lot @peaq 😇

And you are welcome a lot ♥️♥️♥️♥️


multiplied hearts :D

And much more!

Is fear the only thing that hinders our dreams?

Is fear the only thing that hinders our dreams?

I don't know the answer.
Maybe? :D

It was very nice, no mistake ^^ Your "nightmares" are quite soft hahaha 😁 and cute. Mine end up like a horror movie!

It was just a dream with some insecurity and doubts...
nightmares are another story :D

When I used to have them, I had a trick to wake up (well, I was not able to wake up myself, but my husband, so he used to wake me up) sounds weird hahaha, but always worked.

Thnx Privat Ed :)

What a matching piece to go with your dream story!
It is hauntingly beautiful, so much so that any mistakes wouldn't be noticed, as you're taken in by it so much..
I must admit that you got me trying to spot it though.. just for fun.. :D

I must admit that you got me trying to spot it though.. just for fun.. :D

and was the search successful? 😅

Hmm, not sure.. around the 3.10 mark? 😄
I'm sure it's wrong, but it was fun guessing..
Deep listening, my new motto inspired by Hive Open Mic.. 😉

yes, around 3:10 , well, maybe between 3:11 and 3:12 that insecure movement of my left hand so I didn't play press the key at all. It is a missing note there

Well done @anna-newkey 🎶👏

It was a very relaxing and thoughtful music. 👏👏👏👏👏

Thanks, @okayozdemiroglu for listening and your comment :)
I like this piece, it is indeed thoughtful 🎶

Beautiful feeling has a positive effect on human thinking 😀
good morning

good evening

"it is just a home"... euhm, this is the basement, the soundproof studio with the grand piano! not just a home, I would say. Maybe 'just a cellar' LOLOLOL BTW, am glad you remembered the dream. Not sure of this is the best dream to remember (that's entirely up to you to decide), but the fact you remembered a dream after so long, is great in itself. For some reason I have the feeling I dont dream anymore. I suppose most of the time I'm woken up by the alarm clock. However, recently I'm trying to steer my nighttime such that I dont need the alarm clock to wake me. And with that, I assume dreams are coming back in such a way I know that I dream. Next is my hope, my dreams are the ones I like, those that are completely out of the normal. Let's see where this all leads to. In the meantime, you need to prepare for the concert. You said in a week? Now 3 days after your post, is it this weekend, or the next? Or somewhere in between the weekends? Doesn't matter: of you go, don't read this comment, don't even think of replying to it: You Need to Practise! ;)

You recognize the piano and the room :))

Haha, a cellar 😂

It was definitely an okay-ish dream to remember, why not? It was not that scary, it was not a nightmare and I didn't feel very stressed. A bit awkward yes, but with the doubts, I started realizing it was a dream :))

The same feeling - the alarm clock just scares away the dreams - but you do dream, just don't remember, so that is actually great you can try to wake up without the alarm clock! Whatever you dream, can make you happy, though I understand your desire for unusual dreams.
Btw, which dream is not out of normal to some extent? :D

Hmm, the concert will be between the two weekends, next Friday. I still have two rehearsals, and I want to do good there too ( today I didn't practice the piece I needed to... :/ and I read and replied )
Measures to be taken 😂

Record a prep session, and play this while playback on the piano at the actual performance? 😂😂😂😂😂

That sounds like super advice 🥂 🎶🎶🎶

I watched the video thrice and I couldn't spot any error. Maybe because I was lost in the calm, gentle, action-filled and melodious sound produced from the piano through your fingers.

You kept me on the spot and I kept on waiting for the next magic to blow my mind.

I'm sorry my mentor 🥲 I couldn't spot the half mistake in your home version of "Negra Sombra." I hope I don't get punished 😭

I keep forgetting what I am dreaming about.

This happens to me 99.9 times out of 100.

I can't remember the last time I remembered my dream. When I wake up, my mind is a blank or clean slate. I wonder if I am the only one experiencing this. I wonder if I am still human. 🤔

Well, now I can clearly see that I am not alone 😁

I wish you success in your upcoming concert. I know you'll do well as usual 💪

It is not easy to spot, this would be an exceptionally hard guessing game, I confess. Maybe you know where it is but you don't want to say it :D (just a joke)

Dreams. We do forget the majority of our dreams. I used to remember them better some time ago, and then since recently, I was not able to recall them in the morning. It also has to do with the fact I remembered more the not good dreams, maybe it means I don't have very bad ones anymore. Maybe it is a good sign then 😇

Thank you for your wish, I am sure it will be good, I just have to practice a bit more and be 100% confident in myself and the piece :)

Listening to this song took me to the darkest and loneliest part of my brain. i think it would be great if we could think deep into the dark depths of our brains by playing an instrument or listening to a music to gain a new perspective on our character. listening to this song was very strange and fascinating for me😇😌

I hope you are successful in the upcoming concert and i'm very interested in sharing your concert videos with us in the future❤️💯🌹👌


Beautiful @mipiano 😊
Great you could remember a dream again… although it didn’t sound that nice. And you woke up at a crucial point.
Yes, sometimes dreams we do remember or they stay for a long time.
You went to check the location? That’s unique…. To bad it looked not like the dream.
Sometimes I have a Déjà vu and know what will happen at some moment. Or location… a weird thing when it does.

No I can’t point it out 😉
Have a great day 👋🏻☀️

Yeah, I woke up as something didn't match there lol. It made me react :D
Imagine if I reach the point I have to play without the scores hahah, well it would be interesting to see (in my dream) what would I do. Maybe I would positively surprise myself!

Yeah, I know, I went to the place I was sure to be the spot from my dream. Between the town I was born in and the next village.... unfortunately, the scenery from my dream was not there!!! A bit frustrating :D

Sometimes I have a Déjà vu and know what will happen at some moment. Or location… a weird thing when it does.

wow, sometimes me too. Though didn't happen for a long time to me...
It is exciting,I would like to have them more often :)))

No I can’t point it out 😉

Actually, it can not be that well spotted, just when I listened and watched my recording I spotted that I missed one note...

Have a great day you too, well evening right now 😎

I can imagine… going to such a point in a dream and then wake up, disorientated.
It would be great to be able to do that. And see what would have happened in your dream.

To bad it wasn’t.

That’s cool you know what I mean. I have it a lot. My mother could see even beyond now sometimes when she was younger… maybe worth looking into further.

Ok, I feel reassured now that I didn’t spot it. 😉

Thank you kindly @mipiano have a great evening too 😁

Wow, your mother could see beyond now?

It is great...

also for knowing the winning numbers of the lottery or similar haha

(just kidding 😅 )

Yes, she could. Don’t think she has it anymore. She is 88 years old now.

That’s one thing that didn’t work like that… hahaha would have been nice though.

That’s one thing that didn’t work like that… hahaha would have been nice though.


Yeah, unfortunately, it doesn't work like that

Yep… unfortunately 😂

Ok, I saw this post and its title got me hooked hahaha, I know it's days old but I hadn't seen it and I want to comment on it 🙌😀💛!!!!

I remember months ago when you told me a post about an original song I made based on a dream I had, you told me that you had trouble remembering in detail the dreams; this happened to you was great and at the same time a revelation, it certainly touched that side of you that could distress you in real life, but your mind spoke to you and has been forceful with the message 🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!

I really liked this piece, it has a different but magical and enveloping aura, it's like sadness and joy at the same time but always with a pessimism in essence... I don't know where you went wrong, I think it's not felt, but I wanted to ask you something: are they my ideas or I hear some effect in the piano (I know it's not a keyboard, but in the edition I don't know) or it's the same resonance that make me have that impression? 🧐

The truth is that the sound is AMAZING, I loved it and your interpretation is something sublime always, out of this world 😍💖🚀🌌☄️... without any doubt... You Rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

PS: I wish you all the best in those upcoming concerts 🌹, I wish you could record yourself to see and hear you in your concert side, that would be great 😊!!!

Yay, you remember that comment where I said I don't remember my dreams? Cool 😇

Yes, you see, I finally remembered something. Probably I remembered more in the meantime but maybe they were not interesting so I forgot them immediately. This one stayed in the morning, and I could recall the events in it.

The piece is so beautiful, I know, a mixture of sadness and joy! The effect, I am not sure what do you think exactly? The reverberation? It is an acoustic grand piano ( piano de cola pero no se ve entero en mi video) and it sounds different from my digital piano. The way of recording is also different, here I dont have a micro just with a phone. At home, with my digital piano, I record through an audio interface.

Thank you for your wishes @fernanblog who rocks :)))
and thank you for stopping by, you had a difficult task but you made time to come to my post too 😇
Thank you 🥂

Yessssss, very cool that you were able to remember so many details, that's fascinating, and it's all related to your work, so that will positively reinforce many things 🙌😀💛!!!!

Yes, I don't know if it has to do with the type of piano or the recording, but when you play the residue of the sound, it sounds to me like the effect of a flanyer but at the minimum, I leave you an example of that effect in the video, of course, this is for guitar but on keyboards or edited piano sounds similar, I comment this because I really like how that piano sounds 💖, but from what you say I think it has to do a lot with the fact that it is acoustic NO DOUBT!!!

And of course I do, you know I enjoy visiting you and talking to you about everything 🌹😘... because you know what?............. Youuuuuuuuuuu Rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!! 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

These effects are cool, you are a pro in this field, I can just enjoy these effects without knowing how to explain what I hear hahaha.

WHo rocks, well, you rock!!!! 😁

Hahahahaha thanks for that 💖 they are very cool effects, how cool that you enjoyed them, someday I will bring different sounds on my electric guitar you will see 👍😉!!!!

You Rockkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!! 🙌😊🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

someday I will bring different sounds on my electric guitar you will see 👍😉!!!!

I would not mind a tag in that post 😇

Of course, I will not forget that 👍😉🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

Dreams are one of the biggest mysteries… I don’t know if they’re all a super power with hidden details about things to come, or they are just hibernation tv, but they are worth it.

I can relate to your predicament of hardly remembering dreams, and there are some I still have vague images of in my head too. Whatever they are, they emphasize the genius of the creator, and I’m in awe whenever I think about them.

I think the error was at 1:01, but I need to say that 2:24-2:35 was unexpected and my favorite part of the song, you know I’m crazy about modulations🥲 and this somehow reminded me of ‘The Adams family’ strangely… Ah, I think I just spotted the only really visible flaw at 2:56 after some really great play😁… that’s my final answer.

Dreams are amazing, a process we can't control but maybe we can... just we are not aware of that hahaha

This morning I didn't remember any... my alarm clock is the culprit. When it wakes me up all the dreams run away, scared 😂😂

well, maybe at that spot I had a minor slip, but it was not what I was thinking about. it was a note I missed a bit later, I didn't press well the key, I was uncertain and the sound was missed. at minute 3:11 - 3:12
