A Double-edged Sword: Dealing With Grief Using Music! || Un arma de doble filo: Cómo afrontar el duelo con la música (ENG-ESP)

in #hive-1928062 years ago


My baby turned Angel 😩

“Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory”
-Oscar Wilde

"La música es el arte que más se acerca a las lágrimas y a la memoria"
-Oscar Wilde

So I earlier planned to do a song tribute to my late friend but I could not bring myself to shoot a video of myself singing. Today marks exactly 2years since she passed on due to a heart condition that left her heart weak and fragile.

Antes había planeado hacer una canción en homenaje a mi difunta amiga, pero no me atreví a grabar un vídeo mío cantando. Hoy hace exactamente dos años que falleció debido a una enfermedad cardíaca que le dejó el corazón débil y frágil.

Besides my dad’s passing, her death was the second most painful feeling I have ever felt in my entire life. I mean this was a young lady full of life. She was a beautiful person in and out, a smart businesswoman, a serial entrepreneur, a caring friend, a lovely human to all those that came across her and so much more than meets the eyes.

Además del fallecimiento de mi padre, su muerte fue el segundo sentimiento más doloroso que he sentido en toda mi vida. Era una joven llena de vida. Era una persona hermosa por dentro y por fuera, una empresaria inteligente, una emprendedora en serie, una amiga cariñosa, una persona encantadora para todos los que se cruzaban con ella y mucho más de lo que se ve.


Sometimes I wonder why her life had to be cut short. I have so many why’s and I could not make sense of her passing but I am consoled by the belief that wherever she may be, she is no longer going through pains and hurt.

A veces me pregunto por qué su vida tuvo que ser truncada. Tengo tantos porqués y no puedo encontrarle sentido a su fallecimiento, pero me consuela la creencia de que, dondequiera que esté, ya no está pasando por dolores y heridas.

Today, I was inspired to do a write-up on how music can be a double-edged sword for dealing with grief. Special thank you to my lovely Gab @mipiano who constantly inspires and motivates me with her thoughtful posts. I drew strength from her to write this one.

Hoy me he inspirado para hacer un artículo sobre cómo la música puede ser un arma de doble filo para afrontar el duelo. Un agradecimiento especial a mi adorable Gab @mipiano que constantemente me inspira y motiva con sus reflexivos posts. Me he inspirado en ella para escribir éste.


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The Downside of Music during Grief || El lado negativo de la música durante el duelo

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Music is so powerful that it uplifts, motivates, promotes, but can also hurt, and bring up hurtful reminders of the past. I remember there was this song my friend and I used to always vibe to. This song reminded me of her. Each time the song came up, she was the first person that came to my mind.

La música es tan poderosa que eleva, motiva, promueve, pero también puede herir, y traer recuerdos hirientes del pasado. Recuerdo que había una canción que mi amiga y yo solíamos escuchar siempre. Esta canción me recordaba a ella. Cada vez que salía la canción, ella era la primera persona que me venía a la mente.


I realized that when she passed it was so tough for me to hear that song and not break down in tears or feel a rush of emotions. At some point, I felt haunted by that song and it seemed everywhere I went, the song was being played over and over again. Those days were so difficult.

Me di cuenta de que, cuando ella falleció, me resultaba muy difícil escuchar esa canción y no romper a llorar o sentir un torrente de emociones. En algún momento, me sentí perseguida por esa canción y parecía que dondequiera que fuera, la canción sonaba una y otra vez. Esos días fueron muy difíciles.

There were some songs I listened to and they got me in a really bad mood. This was not because the lyrics were not nice but these lyrics began to hit differently due to grief.

Había algunas canciones que escuchaba y me ponían de muy mal humor. No era porque las letras no fueran bonitas, sino que estas letras empezaban a golpear de forma diferente debido al dolor.

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The Upside of Music during Grief || El lado bueno de la música durante el duelo

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Regardless of how hard it was, music was still my greatest ally during this period of my life. I would delve into songs that reminded me of hope, joy, peace, happiness, better days, not giving up, etc. These songs became my constant motivation to pull through and keep going.

A pesar de lo duro que fue, la música siguió siendo mi mayor aliada durante este periodo de mi vida. Me sumergía en canciones que me recordaban la esperanza, la alegría, la paz, la felicidad, los días mejores, el no rendirse, etc. Estas canciones se convirtieron en mi motivación constante para salir adelante y seguir adelante.


As much as some of these songs were a reminder of my baby girl, with time I started to smile whenever those songs were played. I was getting into a better mental space and was able to hold myself from letting my emotions get consumed in sadness.

Aunque algunas de estas canciones me recordaban a mi niña, con el tiempo empecé a sonreír cada vez que sonaban esas canciones. Estaba entrando en un espacio mental mejor y era capaz de evitar que mis emociones se consumieran en la tristeza.

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My Tribute To Nunu || Mi homenaje a Nunu

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Dear Nunu,
I wanted to sing our favourite duet song but I could not get my voice to stay free of the emotions. I thought about a couple of other songs that would not make me super emotional but I just could not pull it off.

Querida Nunu,
Quería cantar nuestra canción favorita a dúo, pero no conseguía que mi voz se librara de las emociones. Pensé en otro par de canciones que no me hicieran sentir muy emocionado, pero no pude lograrlo.

I began to prevent myself from getting drowned in the feeling of loss of a loved one but rather in the celebration that they lived a good life, their legacy lives on, and memories of them would forever be cherished.

Empecé a evitar ahogarme en el sentimiento de la pérdida de un ser querido, sino más bien en la celebración de que vivieron una buena vida, su legado sigue vivo, y los recuerdos de ellos serán siempre apreciados.

Although our song was from the movie “titanic”. The song talked about the major factors of distances and spaces that separate us from our loved ones. However, I have decided to liken this song to even when we have suffered a loss of a dear one.

Aunque nuestra canción era de la película "titanic". La canción hablaba de los grandes factores de las distancias y los espacios que nos separan de nuestros seres queridos. Sin embargo, he decidido asemejar esta canción a cuando hemos sufrido la pérdida de un ser querido.

Regardless of the distance created by death between us, I will still continue to love and keep you in my heart. This song is a promise to keep your memory safe in my heart throughout my life and never forget you.

Independientemente de la distancia creada por la muerte entre nosotros, seguiré amándote y guardándote en mi corazón. Esta canción es una promesa de mantener tu recuerdo a salvo en mi corazón durante toda mi vida y no olvidarte nunca.

I never thought I would be singing this song or dedicating this song to you in this way. I thought it would be at your wedding ceremony or the launch of your mega skincare complex. But God knows best. He sees all things and knows them all.

Nunca pensé que estaría cantando esta canción o dedicándote esta canción de esta manera. Pensé que sería en la ceremonia de tu boda o en el lanzamiento de tu mega complejo de cuidado de la piel. Pero Dios sabe más. Él ve todas las cosas y las conoce todas.

I dedicate this song “My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion” to you my lovely babygirl Nunu. Sleep tight my angel on earth and now Heaven’s gain.

Dedico esta canción "My Heart Will Go On de Celine Dion" a ti, mi adorable niña Nunu. Duerme bien mi ángel en la tierra y ahora gana el cielo.

Your P-Baby

Con amor,
Tu P-Baby

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“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn.”
-Charlie Parker

"La música es tu propia experiencia, tus pensamientos, tu sabiduría. Si no la vives, no saldrá de tu cuerno."
-Charlie Parker

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Blessings to you all.
Till I come your way again.
Love & Light, Hugs & kisses!
Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

Bendiciones para todos.
Hasta que vuelva a pasar por vuestro camino.
Amor y luz, abrazos y besos.
¡Gracias por leer y que tengáis un día increíble!

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All Photos are mine!

¡Todas las fotos son mías!


Hello @peaq
Yeah, i read about the emotions of how you felt and i totally get it, you have so much memory to hold unto and i am really glad about it, it would give memories to live with...But i am really sorry for your loss.

I don't know if this might be the right time, but i have been waiting for a reply on Telegram about what we spoke about, i would appreciate.

Thank you so much for your kind words.
I responded to you on telegram, please check.

I am so sorry baby girl, I am glad you are finding solace through music though, it is such a powerful tool that does amazing things.

Indeed it is.
Thank you girl!

You are welcome

Am so sorry for your loss(es). Am so pleased you dedicated a post to her, expressing your feelings and your path to accepting. And yes, Music is a double edge sword, especially in situations you were/are in. Though it may be difficult at first in situations like yours, the memories some piece of music brings to you (us), I believe music can be is part of the 'healing' process, the process of accepting things, how bad they are or feel.

I believe music can be is part of the 'healing' process, the process of accepting things, how bad they are or feel.

No truer words than this.
I deeply take solace in these words.
Thank you so much for reaching out!

I was really moved by this, so much that I could not bring myself to play the song. I know every word of that song, and your interpretation of it brought back memories of my Dad so I just wasn’t up for it.

Thank you for this thoughtful post Pearly, You honor your friend a great deal.

I was really moved by this, so much that I could not bring myself to play the song.

There was a time just hearing that song brought me to tears.
I could not bear to set aside the memories and emotions that it came with, so I tried to avoid listening to the song.

and your interpretation of it brought back memories of my Dad so I just wasn’t up for it.

Oh dear!
It is truly well...

May her soul continue to rest in peace. So sorry for your loss dear. Keep staying strong. Sending you warm, comforting hugs.❤️

Thank you very much.
I truly appreciate it!

Right now I can say you just a few words... your post made an impact and I am kind of unable to talk a lot as I usually do... what have you done? :D

Oh, I know now.

Your words scratched a bit deeper into our soul (or mind, heart...? the place from where smiles, tears, or goosebumps come)

I began to prevent myself from getting drowned in the feeling of loss of a loved one but rather in the celebration that they lived a good life, their legacy lives on, and memories of them would forever be cherished.


We should all learn this.

Well, today is a day when you, @khaleesii, @almostsober... made some special publications here 😇

It is really crazy how we all posted the same day, feels planned but it wasn't.

It is the inspiration that came strong for everyone at the same time :)

Loved the posts of all of you, guys!!

It truly did, thank you so much.

Your words scratched a bit deeper into our soul (or mind, heart...? the place from where smiles, tears, or goosebumps come)

I am glad it did.
My aim was to share my tribute but I am thrilled it also passed a message.
Thank you very much ♥️♥️♥️♥️ @mipiano

You have inspired us all @mipiano... This community offers a means to share inspirations born from deep feelings, and very glad for you and @edje's initiative on this one.

But you are right, @peaq has managed to stir some strong emotions within me, and that's the power to inspire right there! Thanks again dear Pearly:)

Most definitely welcome Zidi 😊 @almostsober


And I am so glad you found the essence of this Q-inspired corner, as we like to call it. It is so great to know that, thank you @almostsober! 😇

You are most welcome mipiano :)

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