What A Beautiful Name - My Experience

in #hive-1928064 months ago

Yesterday's weather was not so good, as i was listening to this song "what a beautiful name" by Hillsong. Though it was cold and raining I had to find my way to church immediately after it stopped but then I had to battle with the cold. Though I didn't feel it much during the church service but immediately after our church program as people started leaving. The cold started finding its way to me because I had to sit behind to wait for my parents who also waited behind to see our pastor. Yesterday wasn't much eventful apart from the church program.
I know there's always a blessing attached to eery good action especially when you step out of your comfort zone to do something good you believe in.


Not just about going to church but knowing that Sunday is a day set apart for rest as it is written, God rested on the seventh day after creation. It is also written to remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. Christians on Sundays meet together in their respective place of gathering to worship God together also as it is written, to forsake not the gathering of the brethren. The good thing I love about my faith in God is that God does wonderful things in his miraculous ways and I've witnessed such amazing miracles witness my own eyes. I may not possibly be a Christian today if my parents were not Christians except if i accept the gospel of Christian, believe in God and Christ whom he sent and got converted.


In my case, what actually built my faith in God more was the revelations I've been having, at least those prompted me to start asking questions and making my research to gain a better understanding. Before I finished writing my project in school, I could hadlrd go to church and I careless on anything about reading the Bible, going to church or anything spiritual including heaven or hell. I could read the Bible if only I was in church as the preacher direct but on my own residential area my roommates don't bother going or even reading the Bible. After a year or so of living together with them in the environment and with such roommates I noticed a change. I could hardly even carry my bible with me to church and time same when I don't even bother going to church at all.

I started enjoying the liberty of resting on Sundays without going to church but instead find somewhere to hang out with friends. Most especially we go to the gym or go swimming on Sundays. Knew night I slept off like every other night. I was even bothered about anything concerning God or the Bible before I slept and my parents weren't with me, who may once in a while remind me to pray or question about my relationship with God. So I slept of peacefully but had a dream where it was 31st night of December and I was going to the church to attend the cross over night program. Right in from of my was the gate of the Anglican church in my home town. As I approached the gate I met two other people who were also going for the same program, so we stood outside the gate and started chatting, one thing led to another our conversation started taking more time. It was a man and a pretty young woman I met in front to the church gate.


On the outside of the church, around us were many people, some ladies and some guys in pairs, some are busy lighting fire crackers. Many people were just busy with many things having fun as it's use to be during festive seasons. Suddenly the pretty young woman with us interrupted our conversation by saying we should go inside the church and not stand outside of the gate since we all came for the church program. The Young man and I was so engrossed in our conversation that we told her she's free to go in we can come inside later to join her. So she crossed the gate and I watched her through the gaps of the barred gate as she continued walking inside the large environment of the church going to approach the church building and immediately I heard something like a huge sound of explosion and the power went off, tree brightness of the night turned to darkness.

I was stil standing but unable to see the guy I was discussing with because it was very dark. I felt the ground start vibrating gradually until it became too much as though I will lose my balance so I had to lie down on the ground and with my hands I was searching for a solid thing to hold tight because it was as though the ground was about to turn over. Before the ground started shaking the cars that were passing on the road started hitting each other and some ran out of the road into the water channels nearby as though without control. The only light was their headlamps and their rare lights.


I hear some shouting and screaming as the ground kept vibrating while I was terrified with everything and struggling to find balance until I woke up from the dream. Soon after I woke up I noticed my bedsheet and my body was completely wet. So I hurriedly stood up to go to the sitting room and immediately I almost fell to the ground because my legs were shaking and there was no strength in them. So I used my hands to support my body on the bed and sat down. Soon after that night I had another dream where there was a church program in my area which I didn't know of and as I was passing by to enter my house. I saw some people standing on a long chair inside Mt compound and looking over the fence towards the site where the program was taking place.

I was angry and came to trouble them but saw one of the who was my classmate in high school. I angrily asked them what trey came for and the they said the came for the program.
Because I fb has been long I met with my classmate, one thing led to another we started talking and doing a little catching up then I told him. I want to enter into my house and bring something, he asked me to join them and I told him. I'll be back soon. So I entered my house, immediately I entered my sitting room, I heard something like a loud sound of a vehicle's horn like the big lorries. I stopped for a while and wondered why it sounded too close because there is no road for such to come near my house. After sometime I tried to ignore it, I was about taking another step forward when I heard a loud trumpet sound that was shaking the floor and the windows and the furnitures in the sitting room.

Source: pexels

Then I ran outside to know what was that because it doesn't sound like what I've ever heard before, immediately I came outside of my balcony my attention was immediately drawn to the sky because it looked different. As I looked, The sky appeared to be covered with clouds but with a huge circular opening where there is no clouds or blue sky. It was like huge opening and deep you can't see the ending. As I looked, I see tiny lights passing the open space. This made me to be more curious of the strange activities and I hurried to the those people who I met on the bench in my compound and I found out that they were watching the events too.

I climbed the long chair myself to get a clearer view of my environment. All eyes were on the sky and there was silence everywhere unlike other days. No vehicle sounds, nothing at all.
We watched as the tiny flames that were rise from far place start drawing closer and i noticed those flames are in human shape. Someone that was standing on the chair among us shouted “Rapture oo! “and my heart skipped and everything started making sense to me. In a moment two flames rose from over my fence very close to us and Immediately disappeared into the sky, I saw it clearly then that it was human shape in red like burning flame that is hard to tell whether man or woman.


As I was still watching in amazement one person was lifted from the long chair we were standing on and the clothes dropped to the ground. My heart started racing hard as I thought within myself that the rapture I've been hearing for decades now and have once been careful of in now about to elude me. As I was still being worried and my heart beat faster, I felt a vibration on my arm and as I look I saw three long flame of light straight out then I noticed my legs weren't on any hard surfaces and as I looked down. I saw the heads of the people I was standing with, I was relieved for a while but then wondered why my lifting is slow while others disappeared into the sky in matter of seconds.

Immediately I felt a vibration on my arm and I looked, there was no flames and fell to the ground, I was just about the height of my fence when I fell to the ground and my waist and arm pained me which I landed with. The same thing repeated for 2 more time before one of the people wat me said to me “guy you're not going anywhere “. I was heart broken and looked up. There was no flames rising again. Everywhere was just silent and I started leaving in disappointment without talking to anyone. Then I woke up.

Song lyrics

In all things, I thank God for salvation and I also don't entertain any doubts anymore about whether the gospel of Christianity is true or not because I know I don't mostly have dreams but the ones I've had on some other things had happened. May God will help us all to know the truth for ourselves.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.