Why The Devil Fools People into Bashing Mama Mary

in #hive-19321211 months ago

There are many Christians who profess to love, adore and worship the Lord Jesus Christ but disparage His own mother. In their thoughts, actions and words the Mother of God is either insignificant or don't even have a part in our salvation. Of course there are also non-Christians who do the same or are not aware how important Mama Mary is to everyone's spiritual well-being. This is why pious Catholics include them in daily or special prayers and masses too.

Ah but then there are many Catholics who also don't know any better. I too was once duped into thinking Mother Mary is not a perpetual virgin. It started in my late teens when I read a deceptive book about "the real Jesus". Imagine that, a lukewarm Catholic late teen reading a Christian paperback that planted seeds of lies against the Catholic faith. Tsk tsk.

You'd think all books are good until later on you realize there are those who spread misinformation because they do not know nor believe the truth. Ah the lies and deceit that took root because I had little knowledge about Catholicism.

At least it's good I didn't spread such thoughts around, that would've been a graver sin. Glory to God in the highest!


Beware the Blasphemies Against the Mother of Jesus Christ

Hey there. This is your wake up call to know more about the teachings of the Catholic Church. If you were taught differently through the many human justifications, it's time to open your eyes.

Here are the five ways Christians and other people are attacking Jesus' beloved Mother Mary:

  1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception.
  2. Blasphemies against Her Perpetual Virginity.
  3. Blasphemies against Her Divine Maternity, in refusing at the same time to recognize Her as the Mother of men.
  4. The blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children
    indifference or scorn, or even hatred of this Immaculate Mother.
  5. The offenses of those who outrage Her directly in Her holy images.

Seeing all five, which ones have you committed? Are you willing to learn more or have you never heard any of these? If you haven't done any then that's great! If you've committed at least one or all of them then you're one of those people we Catholics were instructed to atone for.

Yes folks, Jesus himself told Sr. Lucia (one of the three shepherd children of Fatima) to pray and do acts of reparation for people who commit those enumerated above. Unfortunately I think there aren't enough people doing such. For sure you're aware that many of us have become so focused on ourselves and don't care about other people.

Church window art showing Jesus crowning his mother Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth | Photo source

Everyone who keeps offending His mother needs the First Saturdays devotion in order to be saved from damnation. Mama Mary calls for atonement to save all her bashers despite the attacks on her Immaculate Heart, otherwise Jesus won't forgive them. Thus many Catholics who are aware of this do what both of them ask.

Here comes the scoff scoff, head scratch, or lightbulb moment and other reactions. 😆 Ah the things we can learn from reading about or watching the stories of the lives and writings of saints and messengers of God. No other religion has so many sanctified people as we Catholics do. That in itself is another thing other Christians/people bash, and that's a topic for another day.

Do Devout Catholics Have Savior Complex or Just Love of Neighbors?

Have you heard about the First Saturdays devotion? If you haven't well don't fret, I too had no idea about it until last year. As a cradle Catholic who are ignorant of so many things, we end up being easy pickings for other Christian denominations. Only when we truly embrace God or Jesus will we realize our deep hunger for Him. We are starved by our ignorance and the lies we've learned over the years. So I say, ignorance is not bliss after all.

Anti-Catholic sentiment is rife with anger and hate. If you've never heard anyone say Catholics will go to hell then that's good. I can't believe there are even people who blame us for the wars that happened. 😮 However one of the things people would think of is that we have psychological problems. Well, as humans don't we all have our own mental health issues?

Bear in mind pious Catholics are not superior to other people. Every Christian should not have what others call the "savior complex". That is a product of pride which is one of the 7 Deadly Sins. Spiritual pride is the worst and it can affect any religious person. Most of the Pharisees were full of it that's why Jesus rebuked them all the time.

Our Lady of Fatima | Photo source

As children of God we've been taught to love Him and one another. (Matthew 22:36-40) That is what a true Christian should be doing. And part of that is doing acts of reparation, including praying for others to help save many from eternal damnation. This is why devout Catholics (like the saints, clergy and nuns plus other prayer warriors) willingly do many acts of penance for the sake of humanity. For example, non-clergy members of the Opus Dei or the "Blue Army" of Mary.

Such people ask God's divine mercy for those who greatly offend Him. Why? Because otherwise the Lord's wrath will fall upon us more often. Chastisement will be done and many people will experience war and other terrible things. Many pious Catholics have to pray and do various kinds of penances for the sake of all kinds of sinners worldwide.

For example, Lent is one of those times we Catholics can do such things. We can do abstinence for our own sins and/or for the sake of other people. We can even fast for the sake of the poor souls in purgatory. Fasting and abstinence are powerful tools to use in helping humanity fight against all kinds of evil.

Basically, when God tells you to do something, you do it out of love and your own free will just like what the saints and Mama Mary did. Imagine if she was not as pure as she was, the angel Gabriel wouldn't even have visited her at all. Heck, then we won't even be here, there would be no Christians!

No one would be visited by Mama Mary, Jesus or the angels and saints if they weren't truly pious to begin with. If that happened then we wouldn't have learned more about Jesus, the many Heavenly things and other Catholic practices we know now. Oh what a dark world that would be.

Keep Committing the 5 Blasphemies to Go to Hell

Yes folks, the devil's secret is out. Demons want more humans to go to hell with them. One way they are doing that is by influencing many people to hate and blaspheme against the mother of Jesus.

I can imagine these evil beings sneering and laughing their heads off whenever they make a fool out of humans. Demons hate humanity and God so much that they do everything to spread lies and cause chaos in the world. Such is their pride and arrogance.

If you still don't believe everything you're reading now well it's up to you. We all have free will. Otherwise, feel free to to start reading about Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the lives of saints like St. Faustina to discover what you're missing.


It's sad when people don't want to know more about or believe in any of the saints or Mama Mary. Why stay ignorant despite evidence of the glory of the Holy Trinity thru the Blessed Virgin Mary and the many canonized saints?

Now that you know what the devil's plan is, what will you do about it? Doing penance for others is something other people don't even know about. I never even thought about such things until last year. What about you? Will you answer God's call to do penance for humanity and stop bashing the mother of Jesus? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic.


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