I don't know when exactly these photographs were taken. I didn't use my usual camera to get them. The friend's camera I had with me on that occasion doesn't record the right date and time in the metadata of the JPEG files.
According to that camera, I was driving to Dvigrad on the 1st of January 1980. I can pretty confidently say that that's impossible. I'll say that the year was 2021. Or 2022. As you can see in the above picture the vegetation was mostly green, so it must have been in spring. The ruins sprouting from the greenery are what remains of the ancient buildings of Dvigrad.
Dvigrad is an abandoned medieval town, situated in the area about fifty kilometers from where I live. I stopped the car in the middle of the narrow road on one of the surrounding hills to get these drone-like shots. I took only a couple of quick shots because there wasn't any place to park the car properly and stay longer. Stopping the car in the midlle of the road isn't something I recommend, but if you have to do it, be fast.
In written sources, Dvigrad was first mentioned in 983, and it was abandoned in the 18th century.
I also photographed a group of donkeys that day. I found them in a very small village about ten kilometers from Dvigrad. Can't remember the name of that place.
Yep. Donkeys are cute. I agree.
This is the cemetery chapel a kilometer or two from the abandoned town. This building is still well preserved. It was built in the 12th or 13th century.
OK, the post is almost ready to be published and I can continue playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. As you can see in this screenshot, I bought a horse recently. In the stables on the outskirts of Whiterun Town.