On the 14th of April 2024, after two years of fantastic coincidences with Hive, another coincidence happened on my Blockchain Day. I didn't plan any of this. I figured it out step by step and only remembered that April was my Blockchain Day but didn't know the day until @ph1102 showed me.
After that, on the next day, after my previous post, I raised my level. Not on purpose. After sell orders triggered, the temptation to power up simply kicked in.
Now I'm a splashy dolphy
The main reason, beside joy and happiness, and wanting to say hello to my new dolphin friends, as well shaking fins with all marine life actually,
I want to share my gratitude towards all of you.
There's only a thing with spamming the blockchain. That's why, instead of mention dozens of names @ here, I post this post, though it might be a quiet post, for now. It is for the future,
For All Time. Forever.
A Zeitgeist alias Blockchain.
A Gratitude Zeitgeist.
Whoever, and whenever encounters this post, and knows me (by meeting, blogging, or whatever kind of interaction), I want to say thank you to you.
Thank you.
For explaining me things I didn't understand. Teaching me how things work. Helping me out, sharing your experience and let me be a part of your adventure.
Thanks for your patience.
To all devs, mods and techies, thanks for your knowledge and keeping Hive alive.
You are amazing!
I'm just Mazin <3