Día de Spinning

in #hive-1933848 months ago



Lunes de entrenamiento, aunque el día de ayer corrí en compañía del equipo de Hive Run, hoy no dejé al lado los entrenamientos para descansar. Al contrario, me dediqué a descargar el estrés de ayer en mis piernas.

El el gimnasio hay un grupo que hace spinning casi que a diario, yo no puedo acompañarlos siempre pero si trato en lo posible de ser parte de este actividad que me gusta mucho. Hay dos cosas que me llaman la atención: se suda bastante y se trabaja la postura en la bicicleta que luego repercute en mi postura diaria.

Por lo mínimo realizo 20 minutos de spinning, máximo 25 minutos; esto porque cada vez que hago este deporte ya he entrenado piernas, hoy due el caso.

No solp hice bicicleta, también entrené la parte inferior con un poco de pesas y sobre todo muchos estiramientos. Después de correr no olvido estirar muy bien para evitar lesiones y por supuesto me ayuda a no tener molestias en el día, sobre todo porque uso a diario zapatos de tacón.

Hago fotos a diario en mis horas de entrenamientos,.algunas veces más que otras; y sobre todo me gusta tomas fotos desde ángulos diferentes para buscar fotos diferentes; esto si me ha costado últimamente,.porque sigue asistiendo muchas personas al gimnasio 🤣

Me Inspiro EnmyMente cada día 🥳

No te olvides de visitar @enmymente para que conozcas más de Hive Blockchain

Translation: deepl.com/es/translator


Training Monday, although yesterday I ran with the Hive Run team, today I didn't leave training aside to rest. On the contrary, I dedicated myself to unload yesterday's stress on my legs.

In the gym there is a group that does spinning almost every day, I can't always go with them but I try as much as possible to be part of this activity that I like very much. There are two things that catch my attention: I sweat a lot and I work on my posture on the bike, which has an impact on my daily posture.

At least I do 20 minutes of spinning, maximum 25 minutes; this is because every time I do this sport I have already trained my legs, today is the case.

I did not only cycling, I also trained the lower part with some weights and above all a lot of stretching. After running I do not forget to stretch very well to avoid injuries and of course it helps me not to have discomfort during the day, especially because I wear high heels every day.

I take pictures daily in my training hours, sometimes more than others; and above all I like to take pictures from different angles to look for different photos; this has been difficult for me lately, because many people continue to attend the gym 🤣.

I'm inspired by EnmyMind every day 🥳

Don't forget to visit @enmymente to learn more about Hive.


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Se ve interesante el Spinning, nunca lo he echo a ver si algún día me animo!! 🔥

Hacer bici es brutal, es uno de los mejores complementos para el running...

Hello dear friend @enmy good afternoon
How great that despite having run the day before, you visited the gym.
I didn't know that by cycling in the gym you could correct bad posture.
Thank you very much for sharing this spinning experience.

have a beautiful afternoon

perfecta sensación de placer luego de ejercitarse, mucha energía!!

I've only done one spinning lesson ever. That was for charity. I think I have never sweat that much before 😂

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