WooooooooooooooooHooooooooooooooo Daisy is back with some tunes, great to hear from you girl, hope all is well with you and yours in Portugal and that you have been looking after yourself.
Only 24 years after Fat Boy Slim brought this out, I find out it was a cover!! Ha ha, and the original is fantastic!!
I feel that I've shared all my "cards" in my previous posts and since I'm a creature of habits I tend to listen to my likes and that is it
Nothing wrong with revisiting old favourites and go with different songs, or covers of that same song or whatever. No pressure at all though, just join us when you can and you are always part of the #ttt crew anyway as one of the original first few that found it.
What is Love? This is...
But one of the most wonderful things I couldn't have ever asked for is that I can be my full self around this special person. I can be goofy, I can talk child-ish, I can sing out of tune, I can start to dance weirdly, I can start crying out of the blue and I can talk to myself randomly around the house.
Never have I ever felt any piece of shaming coming from him and as odd as it may sound, that was a game changer in my life and in my ability to express myself. Now... I'm still a work in progress, of course. I can still feel some sort of trapped parts of me wanting to burst and come out. I sense those are deeply connected with music and my ability to let the music flow within my body and therefore express what I have within freely. Maybe one day I'll be able to do that but today it's not that day.
You have found a really good guy and that photo sums it up perfectly, good for you guys and may you have many happy years together.
Finished out the trio beautifully with this one, which was my favourite by Madeleine Peyroux.