Normalmente cuando quiero escuchar una música que me empodere y me haga sentir muy sensual la escucho a ella. Je, je, je sus letras dicen muchísimo y me gusta el tono de su voz. Elena Rose es una cantante y compositora venezolana, que tiene una propuesta musical bastante interesante. De hecho si la buscan en las redes sociales la llaman: la "Marilyn Monroe venezolana".
Sé que a algunas personas no les gusta el Espanglish, pero a mi sí. Completar frases con otro idioma le da un plus, además esta artista vive en EEUU. Es una forma de mezclar sus raíces. Pero bueno, esta es mucha cháchara, les compartiré 3 canciones que no soltarán una vez la escuchen.
Hello dear friends of @music, it's been a long time since I've done a music review. And yet I decided to write this article because she is an artist I've been following for years and I'm still surprised that many people don't know her. Have I told you that one of my favorite hobbies is listening to or discovering new music? Well, meet Elena Rose.
Usually when I want to listen to music that empowers me and makes me feel very sensual I listen to her. Heh, heh, heh her lyrics say a lot and I like the tone of her voice. Elena Rose is a Venezuelan singer and songwriter, who has a very interesting musical proposal. In fact if you look for her on social networks they call her: the "Venezuelan Marilyn Monroe".
I know some people don't like Espanglish, but I do. Completing sentences with another language gives her a plus, plus this artist lives in the USA. It's a way to mix her roots. But well, this is a lot of chitchat, I'll share with you 3 songs that you won't let go once you listen to it.
Fenomenal tiene un estribillo bastante pegajoso que insinúa una escena alta de tono. Pero eso engancha, y eso fue lo me llamó la atención porque la sensualidad en su voz es un 10. Creo haberlo dicho antes, pero me gusta que las mujeres se atrevan a cantar este tipo de letras porque aunque no todos los días te quieras sentir una "potra", queremos sentirlo de vez en cuando y que esa voz nos identifique en femenino es lo máximo.
Digamos que está en mi playlist de "bad girl" 🤣
Ok, this is a song is a bit daring. Elena appears in the video with a Marilyn style look and it was the first one I stopped to watch in its entirety. The story in the song is about a woman who has left her ex in the "past" and he is still looking for her even though he is with someone else.
Phenomenal has a pretty catchy chorus that hints at a high pitched scene. But that hooks, and that's what caught my attention because the sensuality in her voice is a 10. I think I've said it before, but I like that women dare to sing this kind of lyrics because although not every day you want to feel like a "filly", we want to feel it from time to time and that voice that identifies us in feminine is the best.
Let's just say it's on my "bad girl" playlist 🤣.
Además la historia también es dedicable a esos tipos que se creen "inolvidables" y pretenden volver a tu vida como si nada. Ja, ja, ja Elena es muy clara con la letra además las referencias a la cultura venezolana es un plus.
Uff, this is the one I can repeat the most without getting tired of the sound. It has a very vintage intro (something I love) and Elena starts singing a little bit slow, as if she was talking to us. And at the second 0:42 the beat of the song explodes with a rock tone. It is a song that I consider poprock. It's a rebellious face of Elena, this is the rhythm that I feel that most combines her because she can mix her rap with the most lyrical part of her. 😍 AMO!
Plus the story is also dedicable to those guys who think they are "unforgettable" and pretend to come back into your life like it's nothing. Ha, ha, ha, ha Elena is very clear with the lyrics plus the references to Venezuelan culture is a plus.
Al principio estaba infartada con una letra tan literal. Pero... la voz de Elena me encanta, su acento y la forma de vocalizar y alargar algunas palabras 😍 es muy lírica aunque le mete a géneros más urbanos en algunas ocasiones. No pierdan el chance de conocerla como artista, es una joya.
Stepping it up a notch, this is the most daring song on the playlist 🤣 And the lyrics are literally the recreation of a scene in the intimacy of the shower. And the woman, in this case, is imagining her hands doing some deeds... while imagining she's with her inspiration: "I'm under the shower thinking of you/ I know you don't hear me, but this one's for you"..... I won't explain much more.
At first I was infarcted with such literal lyrics. But... I love Elena's voice, her accent and the way she vocalizes and stretches out some words 😍 it's very lyrical although she sometimes goes into more urban genres. Don't miss the chance to get to know her as an artist, she is a jewel.
This song has a trap feel to it and is the least sensual on the list but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to tell you a little about it. I love the sound and the lyrics say it all. It's a catharsis to "let her live her life". It is very powerful and charismatic. When someone criticizes them too much, just throw it at them and that's it.
All these songs can be dedicated according to the area that needs it 🤣 But what I rescue is the level of feminine sensuality that this artist transmits and with which we can identify, chant it. Her proposal is quite interesting so if you get to hear her or have already heard her let me know in the comments. 😍
Por último quiero mencionar lo siguiente. Durante mucho tiempo las mujeres coréabamos canciones escritas en "masculino" sobre escenas y experiencias sexuales o románticas, que mucho tenía que ver con otro lado de la historia, éramos testigos básicamente. Tener voces femeninas que se atrevan a explorar estos temas abiertamente es un paso muy grande y me agrada. Yo que no suelo escuchar este tipo de músicas siempre, admito que es chévere tener una representación femenina porque hay que recordar que la mujer puede ser más que musa. 🙂 ¡Ahí se los dejo!
Finally I want to mention the following. For a long time women chorused songs written in "masculine" about sexual or romantic scenes and experiences, which had a lot to do with another side of the story, we were witnesses basically. Having female voices that dare to explore these topics openly is a very big step and I like it. I don't always listen to this kind of music, but I admit that it's great to have a female representation because you have to remember that women can be more than just muses 🙂 I'll leave you with that!
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