Earlier today I wrote a post about our current union fight for higher wages. Meanwhile I got a notification ping that @ablaze published his #ThreeTuneTuesday post. Right, today is tuesday, so while at it, why not publish a few strike songs fitting today's theme?
During our negotiations in 2021 and the (compared to the current movement) few strikes that accompanied them, we had the fortune of some talented people supporting us. In the aftermath of Covid lockdowns a nice song was created. And one of our full-time union members worked a slideshow of the strikes and meetings in our state in there.
That year, even though we had a (compared to earlier years) late settlement in October we only had around 20 days of strike. This year we are already at 90 days. 😟
A few weeks ago we added a speaker in a hand cart to our walk in front of the store. While looking for music to play we found this little gem in the wilds.
Unfortunately we cannot use it as is. There are references in there that have nothing to do with our fight for wages in the retail busines. But we have two creatives reworking the lyrics as I write this and if this fight keeps going on we might even use it soon which would lead to a new recording fitting our current needs.
We mostly play uplifting or inspiring songs, while walking up and down with our signs, like "Eye of the tiger", "The final countdown", etc. Everyone in our group contributes to the playlist and one of them introduced me to an old German country classic.
With "Hey Boss, I need more money" she it the playlist bulls-eye and now when the chorus reaches that line we all turn towards the store and sing along.
We all hope this conflict will be resolved soon. Not only for our payslip (and therefore our future) but also to gain more time. Being on strike is more time consuming for me than a regular work schedule.
Thank you for reading and keep on rocking 🤘
The embedded videos and songs are not mine, nor do I own any rights to them. They are embedded from youtube and serve an illustrative purpose for this article