To the music community, here I share this piece, which I learned from the interpretation of the major sonero Ismael Rivera, who for me has been a case of high interest, of Puerto Rican origin from the barrios, voice of his time, of his context, singer of the bomba and the plena, he revolutionized the forms of phrasing and his voice was never erased from the history of Latin-Caribbean music and generations of generations later we continue to listen to him.Ismael Rivera to whom his mother sang "maquinolandera" and told him that this song would give him the place he occupies today, was not wrong, the sonero playing with the panamericana, cortijo and his combo, his jail group and his cachimbos realized his ability and put it to make dance especially to the neighborhoods of Latin America and the Caribbean.
I met him through another Caribbean genre, reggae, made by his compatriots, the Gomba jahbari, "las tumbas" by Boby Capó, became a very important theme in my days, for its groove and its aesthetic daring, when I knew that who sang it was a certain Ismael Rivera, I went in his Sonora search and found a disc "esto si es lo mío" but I did not get "las tumbas", however it opened the door of that immense musical world to me.
Then in that same listening, I found the theme that I present today as a piece with a broad aesthetic proposal, from a minor key to a major and a few turns ahead of what is coming without being obvious, a piece from the pen of Placido Acevedo, with a very candela lyrics ....
Here are his lyrics...
Angelica they call you because you have something angelic in your things, a beautiful maiden like the muse that inspires me to sing this sweet song, brown hair, white teeth like almiño and what a sandal-like gait you have.
For you I would give my life, without you I am no one, white cloud that spreads slowly, clear blue sky, blue sky, blue sky.
Grant me for a moment the tenderness that gives me inspiration, let me free from your mouth the soft nectar of love.
For you I would give my life I am no one without you I am no one white cloud that spreads slowly clear blue sky, blue sky, blue sky, blue sky.
A la comunidad de music, por acá comparto esta pieza, la cual conocí de la interpretación del sonero mayor Ismael Rivera, quien para mí ha sido un caso de alto interés, de origen puertoriqueño de los barrios, voz de su época, de su contexto, cantor de la bomba y la plena, revolucionó las formas del fraseo y su voz nunca se borró de la historia de la música latino-- caribeña y generaciones de generaciones después lo seguimos escuchando.Ismael Rivera a quien su madre le cantaba "maquinolandera" y le decía que ese tema le daría el lugar que ocupa hoy día, no se equivocó, el sonero tocando con la panamericana, cortijo y su combo, su grupo de cárcel y sus cachimbos realizó su capacidad y la puso para hacer bailar sobre todo a los barrios de América latina y el Caribe.
Yo lo conocí por otro género del Caribe, el reggae, hecho por compatriotas suyos, los Gomba jahbari, "las tumbas" de Boby Capó, se convirtió en un tema muy importara mis días, por su groove y su atrevimiento estético, cuando supe que quien lo cantaba era un tal Ismael Rivera, fui en su búsqueda Sonora y encontré un disco "esto si es lo mío" pero no conseguí "las tumbas", sin embargo me abrió la puerta de ese inmenso mundo musical.
Luego en esa misma escucha, encontré el tema que hoy presento como una pieza con una propuesta estética amplia, de una tonalidad menor a una mayor y unas vueltas adelantando lo que viene sin ser evidente, una pieza de la pluma de Plácido Acevedo, con una letra bien candela...
Acá su letra...
Angélica te llaman porque tienes en tus cosas algo angelical, doncella primorosa cual la musa que me inspira este dulce cantar, castaña cabellera, dientes blancos como almiño y que andar tan sandulero, tienes tú.
Por ti daría la vida yo sin ti ya no soy nadie blanca nube que se extiende lentamente despejado cielo azul, cielo azul, cielo azul.
Concédeme un instante la ternura que me da la inspiración, deja que yo libre de tu boca el suave néctar del amor.
Por ti daría la vida yo sin ti ya no soy nadie blanca nube que se extiende lentamente despejado cielo azul, cielo azul, cielo azul.
▶️ 3Speak