No les hablo mucho de la actual ya que realmente creo que carece de sentimientos y nos lleva mas de fiesta y no es como para sanar el alma o los corazones, para meditar o descansar de situaciones agobiantes de la vida.
En la década de los 70s la música era muy diferente, sonaba incluso con orquesta, cada una de sus notas nos hacían vibrar de la emoción, incluso la letra de las canciones cargadas de sentimiento, muchos de estos temas se han vuelto covers y son interpretados de una manera magnifica.
Una de las canciones que a muchos les ha movido y que se interpretó en el festival OTI de 1970 por primera vez, por José José, es el triste, la cual la han interpretado varios artistas.
Las interpretaciones de José José, y la de Kalimba, en mi opinión son las mejores, aquí les dejo ambas, para que las disfruten.
Hello everyone, today I come to talk about something that fills my soul, even in the grayest moments: Music.
I do not talk much about the current music because I really believe that it lacks feelings and takes us more to party and is not like to heal the soul or hearts, to meditate or rest from overwhelming situations of life.
In the 70s the music was very different, it even sounded with orchestra, each of its notes made us vibrate with emotion, even the lyrics of the songs full of feeling, many of these songs have become covers and are interpreted in a magnificent way.
One of the songs that has moved many and that was interpreted in the OTI festival in 1970 for the first time, by José José José, is "El triste", which has been interpreted by several artists.
The interpretations of Jose Jose, and Kalimba, in my opinion are the best, here I leave both, for you to enjoy.
I can also talk about one of the best Argentine singer-songwriters, Leo Dan, with his music many have fallen in love and some years ago a tribute was made to him, singing with different artists of the moment, songs full of feeling that have come to life with collaborations, I leave the video of one of his songs that was performed with Matisse for you to enjoy.
El dueto México - Argentino Sin Bandera es uno de ellos, con letras cargadas de sentimientos, en la música se escucha claramente el uso del piano que le imprime mayor sentimiento, les comparto una de sus canciones para que los conozcan.
Actually, romanticism and good music in every era has been appreciated, in each of them there have been excellent composers.
The Mexican-Argentinean duet Sin Bandera is one of them, with lyrics full of feelings, in the music you can clearly hear the use of the piano that gives it more feeling, I share with you one of their songs so you can get to know them.
Y ya un poco más actual está el canta autor Pablo Alborán que tiene unas muy bonitas canciones, una de las que me gustan mas es de la que les comparto el video.
And a little more current is the singer-songwriter Pablo Alborán who has some very nice songs, one of the ones I like the most is the one I share the video with you.
I hope you liked my musical selections, and that you will appreciate how important it is the harmony between the music with the classical instruments and the lyrics that give life to the song.
Portada elaborada en canva y traducido con DeepL translate./ Cover elaborated in canva and translated with DeepL translate.