Today is Tuesday, and I want to entertain you with another #threetunetuesday blog. Lets look back at #retro, some soviet epoch music accompanied with fantastic visuals from black and white movies of silent film era. So, worth your attention: Агата Кристи, Муслим Магомаев, Аквариум.
Agatha Kristie - Bessa Me
This song belongs to one of the best Russian rock bands of 90s, from 'Cunning and Love' LP (1989). Extraordinarily textured, full of decadent images and symbolics, the song does not look like an example of rock'n'roll at all, and of course it gravitates towards the belle epoch of early XX century. Therefore, it fits perfectly to this black and white video of the master of German expressionism Fritz Lang. I really would love to re-watch (and re-listen) this piece endlessly! Hope you like it.
Песня от одной из лучших русских рок-банд 90-х, из альбома «Коварство и любовь» (1989). Необыкновенно фактурная, полная декадентских образов и символики, песня совершенно не выглядит как образец рок-творчества, и смотрит конечно же в начало ХХ века. Поэтому она изумительно сочетается с черно-белым видеорядом, принадлежащий мэтру немецкого экспрессионизма Фрицу Лангу. Хочется пересматривать (и переслушивать) бесконечно!
Muslim Magomaev - the Beauty Queen
And now the twist 'Made in USSR'! Muslim Magomayev, a 19-year-old Azerbaijani, made a fantastic career on the USSR music scene. By 1965 he skyrocketed to popularity among millions - thanks to his luxurious baritone vocal, a wide repertoire (from opera arias to traditional songs), collaborations with first-grade composers, and of course due to his personal charisma. Despite of the prohibitive Soviet authorities policy, focused on censoring the Western lifestyle, he was allowed to do what many others were not - even the 'twist', forbidden music of the pernicious West, received the green light in his performance. This cheerful song became one of the singer's calling cards; in 1965 it became the song of the year, according to the radio surveys. This unofficial video used fragments from the films "Hello, It's Me!" and "Our House" (both are from 1965).
А теперь - твист мейд ин эсесесер! Муслим Магомаев, 19-летний азербайджанский паренек, в середине 60-х сделал в СССР стремительную карьеру, по популярности наверное обогнав Битлз (впрочем, честной конкуренции не было); он собирал стадионы, а пластинки разлетались как горячие пирожки - спасибо роскошному баритону, широкому репертуару (от оперных арий до народных песен), сотрудничеству с первоклассными композиторами, ну и конечно персональной харизме. Ему было можно, то чего не дозволялось другим - даже "твист", запрещенная музыка тлетворного Запада, в его исполнении получил зеленый свет. Эта жизнерадостная песня стала одной из визитных карточек певца. В 1965 году она была выбрана радиослушателями лучшей песней года. В клипе использована нарезка из фильмов «Здравствуй, это я!» и «Наш дом» (оба 1965 года).
Aquarium - the Jungle
Not much I want to say about this one. Just to mention for those who are not in the know: for years Aquarium was soviet rock band Number 1; late 80-es - 1987, 1988 - definitely belong to this band. This is one of my fave songs, it was recorded at Mosfilm studios when the band was on its creative peak. Videofeed cut up from silent era movies is quite literal but still enjoyable. It's a pity that Sergey Debizhev didn't have enough hands / time / energy / desire to create a selection of such retro video clips for the bands best songs...
In my opinion these are a rare exception to the overall rule 'They don't do it like that anymore! Lucky we.
I hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 151 | 152 | 154 | 156 | 157 | 165 | 167 | 168 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 188