Hi everyone, I'm @daniellemurray and I produce a monthly podcast of musical friends called Radio Liquorice that I premiere live on YouTube and then upload to a couple of platforms. You can find previous episodes on Podomatic here, and on Google Podcasts here.
My real-life friends and fellow Hivers @anna-newkey, @purplesinger, @todayslight, and @steevc already feature regularly on the show.
For this month's episode, which premieres on Sunday April 3 at 8.00 p.m. British Summer Time, I would like to offer a guest spot to musicians from the Hive community of three songs. If only one artist/band submits, I will play out three songs of theirs spaced out through the podcast. If more do, I will pick songs by different artists to play. You can send covers or originals. However, in the unlikely event of a takedown notice, copyrighted material may have to be removed. Usually, I get a YouTube notice that the video can't be monetised, which is fine by me.
If you would like to submit tracks for consideration, please send an email with mp3 attachments to mldaniellem at G mail d0t c0m - please don't send links - no later than 1800 UTC on Friday April 1.
If you do send me something, please include a brief bio about you/your band, as well as a fun fact or two about your music.
Also, if you do send me your tracks, I will take this to mean that I have your permission to play them out both in this particular YouTube premiere (on April 3) and to leave them in the podcast that will be uploaded to the web, including to Google Podcasts and Podomatic. If they're not used, this permission will expire unless you renew it in writing with a future email.
Hope to hear some of you "on air"!