Three Tune Tuesday - Anastacia - Birthday girl #13 [En-Pt]

in #hive-193816yesterday

Welcome to my #TTT #ThreeTuneTuesday entry!

Good evening, everyone!

Today, almost at the end of a completely full day... I managed to stop for a while to look up the birthday of the day! And lo and behold, I was surprised that the birthday girl is who she is... Her full name is Anastacia Lyn Newkirk, and her voice is absolutely unmistakable.

She was born in Chicago on September 17, 1968... And here's the part that blows me away... how can someone who looks so youthful be 56 years old? That's impressive. But more than her excellent physical appearance, her voice has an almost unique power and vigor.

She has been recognized in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania, but on the North American continent she hasn't managed to stand out as much as in the rest of the world.

Her small stature does not do justice to her powerful and present voice! Even though she is a trained contralto, her unusual vocal range allows her to reach very high notes, very close to the register of a soprano!

She naturally earned the nickname “The little lady with the big voice”.

Anastacia is also known for having Crohn's disease since the age of 13, which she manages to live with, giving more awareness of the disease.

Her debut album, released in 2000, Not that Kind, reached the top of the charts in several European countries. Her second album, Freak of Nature, failed to surpass the success of her first release.

She also went through a bout of breast cancer, but managed to overcome the problem and bounced back as if from an enormous force!

I hope you enjoyed this week's selection!

A big hug to you all!

Boa noite a todos!

Hoje, quase ao fim de um dia completamente cheio... Lá consegui parar um tempinho para pesquisar quem era o aniversariante do dia! E eis que fui surpreendido pela aniversariante ser quem é... O seu nome completo é Anastacia Lyn Newkirk, e a sua voz é absolutamente inconfundível.

Nasceu em Chicago a 17 de Setembro de 1968... E eis a parte que me deixa boquiaberto... como é que alguém com o ar tão jovial tem 56 anos? Impressionante. Mas mais que a sua excelente aparência física, sua voz é de um poder e vigor quase únicos.

Foi reconhecida na Europa, Africa, Asia e Oceania, mas no continente Norte Americano não conseguiu destacar-se tanto como no resto do Mundo.

Sua pequena estatura, não faz jus à sua poderosa e presente voz! Mesmo sendo contralto de formação, a sua extensão vocal fora do comum, permite à cantora alcançar notas bem agudas, muito próximo do registo de uma soprano!

Alcançou o alcunha de "A pequena senhora com uma grande Voz", de forma natural.

Anastacia é também conhecida por ser portadora da doença de Crohn desde os seus 13 anos, e com a qual consegue conviver, dando mais awareness da doença.

O seu álbum de estreia, lançado em 2000, Not that Kind, alcançou o top de vendas de vários países europeus. Já o seu segundo trabalho, de nome "Freak of Nature" já não conseguiu superar esse sucesso do seu primeiro lançamento.

Passou também por um processo de cancro de mama, tendo conseguido superar o problema, e ressurgido como se de uma enorme força a fizesse levantar!

Espero que tenham gostado da selecção desta semana!

Um enorme abraço para todos vocês!

Three Tune Tuesday.gif
GIF Image created in Canva with a free image from Pixabay

The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Don't be a stranger, and join the musical weekly ride!


Translated with (free version)



Oh wow! These were such huge hits!

I was quiet surprised when I was researching who was the music artist that would celebrate his/her birthday yesterday... and such a great surprise. I didn't listened for any of her songs for so long ago! This contest is something that keeps me active in finding/rediscover bands and artists that I've never heard/or that I haven't listen to them for so long...
Thank you for stopping by, ewkaw!
Have a great week :)

I haven't heard from this singer in a while, I'm glad she's back. 💕

Just like the feeling that I had when I research the birthday music artist of the day!
Have a great week, Ivanna!

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