A warm greeting to all music lovers in the #Music community. I am pleased to share my trumpet performance “Sweet Caroline”, a pop rock ballad composed by Neil Diamond in 1969 while in a hotel in Memphis. The song talks about an idealized and nostalgic love. When reading the title I thought it was referring to a specific place like North and South Carolina, but their origins are different. He was inspired when he noticed a photo of Caroline Kennedy, John F. Kennedy's daughter, in a magazine. Apparently the name was included because it fit the meter and melody of the song. I have had the opportunity to listen to many versions, and find the melody moving. The rhythm is moderate in a 4/4 time signature and influenced by folk music and soft rock. I am very happy to be able to play this piece.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Un cordial saludo para todos los amantes de la música en la comunidad de #Music. Tengo el agrado de compartir mi interpretación con la trompeta «Sweet Caroline», una balada pop rock compuesta por Neil Diamond en 1969 mientras se encontraba en un hotel de Memphis. La canción habla de un amor idealizado y nostálgico. Al leer el titulo pensé que se refería a un lugar específico como las carolinas del norte y del sur, pero sus orígenes son diferentes. Él fue inspirado cuando observo una foto de Caroline Kennedy, la hija de John F. Kennedy, en una revista. Al parecer se incluyo el nombre debido a que encajaba en la métrica y en la melodía de la canción. He tenido la oportunidad de escuchar muchas versiones, y considero que la melodía es conmovedora. El ritmo es moderado en un compás de 4/4 y con influencias de la música folk y el soft rock. Me alegra mucho poder tocar esta pieza.
Recently, when preparing a class, I put three pictures in a presentation, a violin, some tools, and some medical instruments. In the right hands they can play a beautiful melody, repair a vehicle, and help a doctor make a diagnosis. The instrument itself is ineffective without someone knowing how to use it. The trumpet is an instrument that requires dedication, practice, and a strategic approach. There are people who have natural abilities, and they do things in such a simple way. I believe that talent coupled with discipline are the most important elements for success. I am sure that everyone knows people who are talented, but are inconsistent and lazy. There are also those people who lack talent and skills, but strive to work, study, and do their best. Practice is vital to playing a musical instrument effectively.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Hace poco, al preparar una clase, coloqué tres imágenes en una presentación, un violín, unas herramientas, y unos instrumentos médicos. En las manos adecuadas pueden interpretar una hermosa melodía, reparar un vehículo y ayudar a un médico a realizar un diagnóstico. El instrumento en sí carece de eficacia sin que alguien lo sepa utilizar. La trompeta es un instrumento que requiere dedicación, práctica, y un enfoque estratégico. Hay personas que tienen habilidades naturales, y hacen las cosas de una manera tan sencilla. Considero que el talento aunado a la disciplina constituye los elementos más importantes para el éxito. Estoy seguro de que todos conocen personas que son talentosas, pero que son inconstantes y perezosas. También están esas personas que carecen de talento y habilidades, pero que se esfuerzan por trabajar, estudiar y dar lo mejor de sí. La práctica es vital para interpretar un instrumento musical de manera eficaz.
Sweet Caroline
Where it began
I can't begin to know when
But then I know it's growin' strong
Was in the spring
And spring became the summer
Who'd have believed you'd come along?
Hands, touchin' hands
Reachin' out, touchin' me, touchin' you
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
But now I…
Look at the night
And it don't seem so lonely
We fill it up with only two
And when I hurt
Hurtin' runs off my shoulders
How can I hurt when holdin' you?
One, touchin' one
Reachin' out, touchin' me, touchin' you
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they never would
Oh no, no
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
Sweet Caroline
I believe they never could
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
Fuentes / Sources
Images | Obtained in Unsplash |
Lyrics | “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond on Genius |
Thumbnail & Banner | Made with Adobe Creative Cloud Express |
Gifs | Created with EZGif |
Specific information | CNN |
Original track | Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline (Audio) |
Backing track | SWEET CAROLINE Sheet Backing |
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