Building something that matters is the goal of every minimalist. There is no room for excesses. Is it not needed? Then you let it be and look for what is needed. Hmm, I think I might have need of this later, should I keep it until then? No, there is no room for that. Why? Because it makes you feel more aware of the things you have and the things that are worth giving attention to. Making connections is like that. It requires you to keep the ones that matter and do away with the ones that don’t matter, at least to me.
I see connection as being aware of me and my space. Knowing when something is not right around me and also knowing how it started. You know when something is trying to sneak in somewhere, a place it shouldn’t be and you get it back to its place. Most times, due to the disconnection we have with ourselves and our space, we don’t even notice when something unwanted fills up a space meant for something important. And it’s only a matter of time before we think those intruders matter, when in the real sense, they don’t.
I mean, it’s easy to think something matters to us the moment we start giving attention to it but trust me, not everything that gets our attention really matters. They got our attention only because we ignored the fact that they were not needed. We got too comfortable with it for a while and we started thinking it might actually mean so much to us. But do you know? The more we start making space for things like that, the less space we have to accommodate the actual stuffs. So, for me, connection is basically being able to stay conscious of myself and the things that surrounds me and the things I surround myself with.
I have come to realize that the more I let things have their way around me and within me, the more I get accustomed to them and the scary part of it is that, as humans we actually don’t always have things figured out, so when we give space to just anything, we will start losing ourselves even without knowing it. Being attentive to someone or something is you building a connection with them and as a minimalist, the more I pay attention to that person or thing, the more I try to make sure I’m being impacted positively and I’m also being impactful as well.
Personally, I don’t enjoy building a connection with someone without being impactful to them and that requires me to know what I want. Well, the bitter truth is, everyone wants someone that will help them grow and not the other way around. Hence, if you keep proving to be of no value to them, it’s only a matter of time until they find a replacement. That’s the harsh reality but it is what everyone deserves. We all deserve a connection that impacts us positively because that’s the only way we also get to impact others positively.
And that is one of the things you enjoy for being a minimalist. You are concerned about your excesses and even that of others which most times help you build a better connection with yourself and others. It’s good to know that, there is no room for ignorance. Don’t let things slide for too long because if you do, it won’t help you build a good connection with anything or anyone, not even with yourself.
This is my response to the #kiss. Thanks for stopping by. ❤️