Are Your Things Owning You?

in #hive-1948486 months ago

Most of us have collected things in the years we have lived; material possessions such as clothes, books, and other miscellaneous items and feelings such as bitterness in relationships, hurts, and sorrowful events among other things that we regret having done in the past.


While the attachment to some of these things provides a sense of security or is useful in some twisted way, most of it just holds us back. So, if you find it difficult to let go of things be it tangible items, relationships,etc then it is the right time to declutter! Here are some tips that you can follow in case you want to reduce pressure or stress.

Especially with regard to physical objects, you need to be very harsh on yourself and determine what is really necessary, and what is simply cluttering up your home. Does it really mean something to you and do you indeed use that shirt that is so old that you need to iron it?


When did you read that book, within the past five years or sometime else? Regarding gifts, photos, other items of personal/precious value – it is better to scan them and store them in digital format.

Digitize any photographs or videos of your childhood or other special memories and store them in a place that will remind you to look at them when feeling sentimental. For any other small items, it is better to just click a photo of the respective item to enjoy the memory and then discard or donate the actual item.


Physical Decluttering Tips

  • Sort physical items into categories: hold, give/convey, discard. It’s very important to be ruthless as you refine your categories.
  • Develop a restriction for the number of items that are needed in the house.
  • Storage devices – utilize storage boxes baskets, shelves or racks to organize some of the general items that may not be frequently used but are of importance in the house.

In a way, emotional decluttering is similar to the physical kind; it entails organizing the emotions in your head and getting rid of those which are unnecessary or detrimental to your well-being. This can be seen with people holding on to past pains, failed relationships, and decisions that were made that they regret in their minds. This only causes more suffering. Rather, it is a fact that resentment or hatred with a dead relationship and constantly dwelling on it keeps you chained and is making you carry the burden. Say it out loud, remember it is someone else or an event that has already occurred, and if you feel you need to, forgive yourself, then move on and apply whatever you have learned. They know it require practice but becomes easier as the day progresses.


Letting Go

  • Here are some more tips for letting go:
  • Categories -
  • Count benefits - Write down all the benefits that make the idea of de-cluttering your home or emotions seem more appealing. Place it on a surface that will remind you every morning.
  • Act – It should not just be the idea of what you should let go of. Execute the plan. Categorize and donate/trash items that have not been used in a long time/ persona issues. Dispose of the extra items as per the guidelines by tearing, erasing, or shredding them.
  • Length of days – As you start freeing yourself from the things that no longer make sense in your life, try to feel how much lighter you are, and how much more space you have in your life now.
  • Tell it – Sometimes explaining why you no longer want to hold on to an object may assist you in detaching emotionally from the same.
  • Be patient – Releasing one’s self might be a process that they have to unlearn themselves from something that they have been doing for a long time. Be kind to yourself. Slip ups will happen. Sometimes it is all about refocusing and continuing the effort no matter what.
  • Fill the empty spaces - if you had voids left after decluttering, then make sure to plan for new things that you could purchase and use in your current lifestyle, which could also make you happy.


It might be challenging in the beginning but the advantages are immense - reduced distraction, less stress and anxiety, germs and clutter are defeated, the mood is enhanced, and life has been given a chance for better companionship and exciting opportunities. I hope these tips are inspiring for you in order to remove clutter and lighten your mental, emotional and physical burden!

Honestly, sometimes, it is can be because very difficult to let go of any item.

But I’ve come to understand that the time and energy I put into it is time and energy well spent. I have used the tips above in my own life and it has been of a big difference to me. I first began by going through my physical items, placing them into categories such as ‘keep, donate, and discard'.


Too often, I realized I was holding onto things I no longer needed. It was somehow liberating to get rid of them; it was as if a burden had been lifted off me. Then I conquered emotional cluttering which involves dealing with emotions that are not healthy for you.

I recalled some of the previous relationships and experiences which up to this date were still burdening me. Forgiving people and not being resentful takes time but it has definitely created so much space in my mind. Making this decision to declutter took time before I made a move, and from experience, I realized that I had started to detect differences. My personal space was less chaotic, I had more time in my hand and energy to do what I wanted and able to relate and spend time with positive people. Often it is not comfortable but I have to say that it is absolutely worth it. Hopefully, these tips will help you wanting start decluttering and improving your home environment.
All images are mine


I'm not surprised you came up with these ideas, because I read them all before in various places.
Have you ever tried, or have an interesting story to "show" and not just "tell" us, how exactly these tips could be useful?

Well said! I must have not been clear when I mentioned these tips, thank you for correcting me on that and it is indeed the little things that go a long way.

Honestly , sometimes it is rather difficult to let go of any item. But I’ve come to understand that the time and energy I put into it is time and energy well spent. I have used the tips above in my own life and it has been of a big difference to me. (I have added this part to my post:)

Black Panther - Generic Post-2.jpg

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated in Canva.

Holding on to whatever no longer serves us, whether physical items, pain, relationships etc all keep us from moving forward to new experiences. Better to declutter and let go.

Decluttering both physically and especially physically can be so refreshing. I try daily to minimize the number of possession I acquire, just so I ensure that these things do not affect me in any way.


It sure is liberating when you declutter! It really can be hard to let go of things, I often struggle. But, once (about 15 years ago) my house was robbed and I had loads of stuff stolen. It was really random things, like boxes of my childhood stuff... drawings, artwork, toys, collectable things... it wasn't worth money but it really hurt. As much as I wish I still had it all, it would have still been sitting in boxes! So, shortly after this, I had more stuff in a garage and I just wanted to get rid of it all, and never looked back :) I have the memories, don't need all of the things!:)