From The Future: Less Is More

in #hive-19484811 days ago

I remember moving away from home to start a new life somewhere with literally nothing but my bag of clothes , cooking utensils and a few stuff. Being a hyper independent person that I am, my parents obviously didn’t know I had to pay rent, furnish my new place and all of that. They thought my work was going to provide accommodation and all of that so I just thought to leave it at that.

Imagine moving to a new town to start a life when you haven’t even secured accommodation yet. Stupid right, yes. Well, I was able to secure a good place after a while of perching in someone’s room. I finally moved in and I couldn’t be more happier. I had money, but not enough to furnish the room to my wanting. I needed to get a lot of stuff but my finances wouldn’t permit me. I spoke to someone close to and what they told me was, ‘Nhaji, buy what’s important and leave the rest for later.’ And that’s what I did and am still doing.

This advice has been stuck with me and I apply it always in my everyday life. I got stuff that were important for my survival and I even ended up with change for extra food supplies. I didn’t have a big bed to sleep on, but I was happy to have a roof over my head. Things we tough for the first few months, but eventually everything got better. This experience of mine gave me a whole new definition to life and how things could be easier and simpler.

I grew up with everything I wanted and more. I didn’t experience any hardships in my life while growing up, but I wouldn’t say I was a spoilt kid either. I knew what it meant and how it felt to be comfortable but at some point in my life, I didn’t really care about comfort anymore. I wanted to move around, try new things, pursue my dreams and many more and that is what has led me here. To become who I am today and I’m glad I took a bold step.

There’s a lot I would like to tell my younger self. I wouldn’t say I regret not knowing all these, but I’m glad I learnt to unlearned and relearn for the life I’m living today. First I’d like to tell my younger self that life is a lot more easier than we picture it to be. Honestly, I’ve realised that I don’t need a mansion to feel at home, or whole fashion line to feel beautiful. I remember my mom telling me some years ago that 5 good clothes for the week at work on repeat is better than a new not-so-good dress everyday. Life is better when lived in simplicity. I wouldn’t say I have much in life but I know that I’m happy with the little I have.

Moving on, I’d like my younger self to know that what you have defines you in a way, who you are also defines you. But, what you have doesn’t define your full potential. I’d like to assume people say what you have doesn’t define you from different perspectives. However , I have seen and come to know that a poor man in todays world is a nobody to most people. I’ve walked into places and I’ve seen how rich people are treated. I’ve seen how people with connections are treated and I’ve equally seen how people with no money and no contacts are treated. And this is why I want my younger self to know this, make money but from a good source , always be nice to people and learn to give back. Build your network , go out and meet new people who would change your life in one way or the other because it is only then that you would be a step closer to the future you. No man is an island.

Among the million things, I’d like my younger self to know, I think these two would be more than enough for her.

all images belong to me.


I wouldn’t say I have much in life but I know that I’m happy with the little I have.

Ohh yeah contentment is everything and it saves us from so many troubles.

Your advice to your younger self is relatable and interesting. It was nice reading this, good job!

I’m glad you enjoyed reading. Thanks for passing by.❤️

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I can picture you leaving home with a few things because sometimes in 2014, I did the same with the hope of making things happen and here I am today. You have shared valuable lessons that would be of great benefit to your younger self.

Honestly, we don't need all the luxury in the world to find happiness and while we work so hard for money, we should remember that it's not something we are going to take away from the world. With everything I have been through, I believe in creating experience, building meaning connections, impacting lives while making money is very important.

Keep growing dear Nhaji...

I totally agree with you on this. Simplicity is the best.