What are some ways you slow things down in this fast moving world ?
The fast moving world needs us to slow down at times. This week's KISS PROMPT in the The MINIMALIST community coincides with my plan, so I thought, I would share my experience from a minimalist standpoint.
In this fast lifestyle, we often tend to get more out of life, by working hard towards our goal, and it increases our anxiety level, without we realizing. Slowly it converts to stress, bringing more trouble, and unfortunately there has been no clinical test to measure our stress level, though I believe smart watches have some mechanisms to measure, but I am not a big fan of these gadgets. And more ever, there is no medicine that can prevent our stress, so it's all upon us to decide the best for ourselves.
Thankfully I have a soulmate who cares to remind me often to slow things down and not try to be perfect in everything - some bad habits I have inherited from childhood. In today's world, perfection is over kill, because there are so many things, that is beyond our control, and we cannot shape up everything as we need. And for some, the goal also changes with time, we desire to earn more, have more assets, provide better facilities to our kids. And in that process, we forget to enjoy what we have - the lady is very constrained in this matter that helps me a lot. She is the one who drags me, and I can say, it is for good for all of us - I thank her often for that.
Movie is our best option to relax for some time, slow down from the fast lifestyle, at a minimal cost. Travel is another hobby that we all like, but that needs a lot of planning and the cost is also high. This year, all travel plans are on hold for the kid's exam.
Shopping is another way to spend some time and slow down, but we prefer affordable shopping. The boy is very economical in this matter, and that is the reason we try to buy only what we really need - no unnecessary spend.
She loves to go out, and enjoy every moment, but she is very conservative on shopping as well. So together we decide to spend time enjoying the ambience, some food.
You won't believe, the kids know about all the offers, and save every penny. They are pretty good in finding offers online, ordering online and then taking the delivery there and sharing.
And we order only what we can eat - no waste - this plate was enough for both of us.
Do you know Baskin Robbins has offers on 31st of month, giving a 31% discount ? Of course its applicable in the month having 31 days, but kids discovered that and we plan to go on those days, as we love it.
And if we are not going out, we watch a movie together at home - watching together has a different charm. The lady does takes care of interval, providing us snacks / food.
As we get older, we realize there are certain limitations that we have to accept, and slowing down and acceptance is the key for a happy and healthy living. What are your ways of slowing down ?
And before I wind up this, I must tell you, trying to write a post on hive everyday also makes me anxious, so I have decided, to not overkill and force to write everyday. Now that we have holidays, it's possible to write, but in busy days, it's very difficult, as I always have more work and less time. What's your thought on this ?
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