Touch some grass once in a while. You know this saying, right? Crypto dudes say it whenever the market starts crabbing and there’s no way out of a range.
Well, I believe we should touch some grass more often than we think. Modern man has distanced himself so much from nature it hurts.
However, I noticed that whenever I get outdoors not only do I get back refreshed but I always want more of that.
Society has tamed us into living “cemented” for almost our entire lives. Nature is such healer. So much peace, quiet and fresh air I almost fell like wanting to have a house somewhere remote.
Kind of tired of all the nonsense surrounding us. Who knows, maybe the bull market will make possible for me to travel more get more often in nature. Not just exploring the surroundings of course, that I can do anytime.
That’s about it from my side for now. Have a great weekend and catch you soon.
Thanks for your attention,