MonoChrome Monday: Harbor

in #hive-1949133 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I'm back with a fun edit experiment for some otherwise cheerful photos I took!


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MonoChrome Monday: Harbor

One of the things that's interesting about adjusting some photos is the way it turns out. With changing photos from full color over to black and white, you change the look and feel of the photo in a lot of cases. I think this is certainly one of them!

We took a trip to Maine last year and got to spend some good time out on the water cruising around in a tour boat showing us the area. I took some photos of course but what I wasn't sure would happen is the nice, cheerful look of the color photos turned a little dark and dreary with the black and white version!


It's nice to play around with some of the different pictures to see how they change the mood of the image. Some are enhanced a lot by the change but others have a bit of a darker tone to them.

harb 2.jpg

I don't know if it's because I grew up watching scary ocean movies like Jaws but adding an element of black and white to these pictures and thinking of how dangerous the ocean can be, I certainly wasn't as cheerful about the picture in color as I was in black and white!

If you want to check out the color photos, you can go to this post here that I did recently! Let me know what you think of the differences in the images for color versus black and white!

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