We dressed up as pirates for the West Virginia Renaissance Festival earlier this summer

in #hive-1949132 years ago


Today I have some pretty awesome photos to share. Earlier this summer I had a period where I was only posting videos to my blog, so I wasn't posting photos to Liketu for a bit. That certainly does not mean that I stopped taking photos of all the fun things that @flowerbaby and I were doing. I ended up having tons of images saved for later, which I am just now getting around to finally.

Back on June 4th of this year @flowerbaby turned 22 years old. For her birthday, we went to the very first weekend of https://www.wvrenfest.com/. We both were excited to go for our second year. Last year, we had a great first time there, as you can see here. One thing about last year is I didn't dress up, she of course did and was certainly the cutest elf there too. This year was going to be different.

Both of us dressed up as pirates and we were more prepared than ever to have fun at the WV RenFest. There were all sorts of people dressed up while we were there, but I can't think of a better-looking pirate duo than us. Check out our fun outfits in some of the photos today.

Food was another main attraction while we were exploring the grounds. I got myself a massive turkey leg, among other tasty treats. Drinks were also aplenty. There was a mead station at the top of the hill. It was quite the strenuous journey to get up there, but once we arrived it was one of the most chill areas of the entire festival. We ended up getting to sample every single type of mead, nearly a dozen different types.

We of course watched all of the shows that were scheduled to go on throughout the day. They stagger everything that way you should easily be able to see each act once if you plan correctly. One of my favorites was this chicken couple. They bock bocked their way throughout their entire performance and it was pretty hilarious. I believe I may have learned a few words in the mighty language of chicken thanks to them. It was quite comical, as were many of the other performing acts.

I'm glad to finally be able to share all of these photos because we really did have such a good time together. It was a shame that it took me nearly 4 months to finally post this stuff. I was just busy creating other things at the time and was trying to take a break from photography posts like this one.

I hope you enjoyed getting to see a bit of the fun we've had this summer. I have a few more posts that I've been saving for months. I should be able to share them on here sometime soon, so plenty more photos like these to come. If you enjoy this type of content, you should consider following me so that you can see my daily posts.

Thanks for stopping by! Comment which pirate you think is the meanest 🏴‍☠️

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Amazing better looking pirates. Both of really look so good and I believe that you had a lot of fun seeing as how @flowerbaby dozed off due to tiredness. Thanks for sharing those amazing pictures and have a wonderful day.

It’s a pirates life for me.
She was already napping before we even arrived. I’m pretty sure she slept on the way home too.

Lolz.. Thanks for sharing this amazing post

The only thing missing for me to complete the picture was the ship! 😅 !LOLZ
You are great pirates! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 And for some reason, I remembered Jack Sparrow. 😂

If only we could combine our Baltimore Harbor trip with the RenFest. There was a couple of pirate ships there.

As I like to say, maybe it's even for the best. Nobody knows the future...)

What do you say when a Southern person stabs you in the back?

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Looks like a great time. You two look like you had fun. That was a nice looking turkey leg. A mead station sounds heavenly. Glad you had a blast!

Yes, yes, yes, and yes! All was great for this trip. The weather even decided to behave.

Excellent pirate outfits and cool looking festival.

Thanks mate. We had a blast and I’m sure we will go back again next summer.

That is so cool. These festivals are always a ton of fun.


Two years in a row we’ve had a blast.

Wow, love @flowerbaby's outfit 🤩

She always knows how to dress to impress for things like this. She even picked out my outfit. All of the credit goes to her.

Yes, I noticed her taste in general and really like it :) And when fun factor is included, then one becomes even more creative!
You're a lucky one 😉😇


Your hats are so cute, just like the hero of Pirates of the Caribbean. All the photography is very beautiful.

Pirates of the Caribbean definitely inspired us both a lot for this.

Lovely outfits and awesome outing as well.

We very much appreciate your compliment.


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I see love outing 😍


I did enjoy it, but where's the chicken couple? You missed this pic! 😄

I'm also going to say sleeping pirate does not look very intimidating.

Take a look at the photo below the pig, that's the chicken couple I was talking about.

Good post

wow! from the photos it looked like a beautiful party! and the costumes are very nice too!!

It was a great group of people all gathered together to have a wonderful time.

You'r looking so good man. I read that post too and I guess you love taking photos while @flowerbaby is sleeping haha. There are no events like that in my country but wish to be there. Have fun for me too!

Thank you! You should go to one sometime. These are a whole lot of fun.

The longer you are around, you will notice that pretty much every trip we take, I get a photo of her sleeping in the car. At this point, it is kind of a ritual for us. She sleeps and I drive/photograph.

It's not the first or second time I've seen her sleep, man. I remember seeing a picture of her sleeping when you went on a family vacation, and yours too hahaha.

I could tell you two had a blast!! It would be hard to say who's the meanest pirate lol...I'll just say I wouldn't want to tangle with either one lol. Man, Haven't had a scotch egg in a long, long time and that watermelon made my mouth water :D

That’s a wise choice. We don’t go easy on landlubbers.
I forgot what those eggs were called, but yes Scotch egg it is and omg they were so yummy.

Yay! 🤗
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Arrggggh, how ye be?! 😊😎🏴‍☠️🦜

lookin' good in those pics. did your arm get just a little bigger or is it just that pic?

Happy B day to Hannah! Yay!

i really like the pic of the knight on the horse, on the ticket.

Argh matey. Just finished sweeping the poop deck. Time to walk a few skallywags off the plank.

No idea. My arms always look the same to me. Dysmorphia at its finest.


Great outfits dude! I laughed at the picture of @flowerbaby asleep, you're bad hahaha.

I don’t know many pirates that are good 😁😈


Great costumes. I've always wanted to check out one of these Renaissance fairs. Looks like you both had a great time. That turkey leg looked awesome! I probably would have spent far too much time in the mead tent 🤣

You totally should sometime. They are so much fun and you don’t even have to dress up if you don’t want to. The food and drinks will surely reason enough to go, but he acts can be pretty entertaining too.

Hello dude

You must have a great day in summer festival.
Indeed you like a pirates in this suit but what's missing are water and boats..lol

The scenery are worth seeing.Thanks for sharing man.

Water and boats would have made this even more epic!

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Your baby looks so tired in the car lol

She is a sleepy baby for sure. I almost had to pour cold water on her to wake her up.

Although it took a while to show us your photographs as pirates, the opportunity to do so has presented itself and share with us all the adventures

Better late than never I suppose.

The outfits are so cool! you look great on them. What a nice activity to do during summer. What's the deal with the pig and its hat? lol.

I believe that was just someone's pig and they didn't want him to miss out on the opportunity to dress up.

If you go to the fair, you have to BE part of the fair hehe animals too.

That is the spirit right there

Here comes my favorite hive couples. You are really killing it. I will go with Blackbeard

I’m honored to be among your favorite couples ☺️

The pig with the little hat on his head must have been the star of the show the contrast is adorable.
Your pirate outfits are so cool, considering this happened 4 months ago the way you wrote it with so much passion gives the feeling it was just yesterday, kinda cute

As ugly as that pig was, he was also super cute and I know many must have been obsessed with him.

I’m able to recall times like these quite vividly. My memory isn’t perfect, but when I really enjoyed something I do not forget.

Great work 👌👌


What activities do you not do?

You always have ideas for spending time with @flowerbaby with activities that are full of enthusiasm and fun.

"Your day is defined by what you plan and what you do for the day."

Have a great day, brother!

We’ve yet to go on a murdering spree. No plans to do that either. Although we have been enjoying watching Dahmer on Netflix 🔪😜
