Photo Fridays - Have some photo fun and have a shot at winning 10 Hive! "X"

in #hive-1949132 years ago


Hi friends of D.Buzz 😃.

I hope you have started a new Friday with the best of energies. After a long week, nothing better than a little rest. Once again is your friend @lauramica is here to bring the news about our Photo Contest ❣️. We only have 3 letters left; it's amazing! Thanks to everyone who joined and participated in this game in all its rounds, it has already become a classic for everyone 😀.

As a reminder for all the friends of D.Buzz, the goal of this challenge is week by week to share at least two photos of things that start with the letters of the alphabet. These "things" can be anything: objects, places, or even something abstract. The idea is that it begins with the letter proposed that week, always in English, please. And of course, have fun and build bonds with the users who have also joined this challenge 😘. Everyone is invited to participate!

This time in the Friday Photo Challenge we gave place to the letter W and several W-things appeared: waterfalls, wind, waist, weight, water lilies, wall, wardrobe... There were several things to share, and you did great! 😃.

In the week of the letter W, our prize goes to our friend @portal-xenna! This user shared with us a participation about wallet and watermelons. We saw a lot of watermelons in this contest so now we have a good craving for this fruit 😅.

Did you know that the largest watermelon registered in the Guinness records weighed 159 kg? That's almost like 40 regular watermelons, awesome! You can see that this fruit had a lot of energy to keep growing and growing, and it did so until it broke a record. You better have a well-loaded wallet if you want to buy a watermelon of these dimensions, and also think carefully about what you are going to do with that large amount of peel and seeds 😅.

Congratulations @portal-xenna for being the winner of letter W week ❤️!

If you want to visit this post, you can do it here 😃.

Having said all this, it's time to start the new week of this challenge and it's the turn of the letter X 😀. Week by week we will be advancing with the rest of the alphabet until we complete it, but now it's time to find some things that start with x. As an inspiration for this somewhat difficult letter, here I will leave some suggestions: X-ray, XL, xylophone, XBox... It seems that there are not so many things so this time more than ever, be creative and original in your posts 😏😏 😏 Good luck to everyone!

❗️ ❗️ ❗️ Kind reminder: make sure you complete all the conditions for your post to be eligible for this prize, all the requirements will be verified when choosing the winner. The post must be published through the D.Buzz interface. Don't forget to leave the link of your participation in this post and if you participate very early in the game, check back a couple of days later to find more people who have also joined! 😃

Conditions of the challenge

  • In a post on D.Buzz, share with us at least two images that show us what you want starting with the letter X. Put together your post in the most attractive way possible!

  • Tag that post with #dbuzzphotochallenge.

  • Post a D.Buzz link in a comment below.

  • Interact with at least two users who are also participating in this challenge.

  • You have 6 days to upload and share your entry.


  • The prize is 10 HIVES for the best entry.

The main objective of this challenge is that you have fun sharing the images you like and make new friends. Let's see what X-things show up this week 🙂.

Thank you for joining the Friday Photo Contest and I wish you all a great weekend 😃!


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Here is my entry:
Congratulate all participants, I checked your posts and found very nice finds -- even the word "Xenia" and "Xeno" 💚

I never won any contest on Hive, and prize is fantastic. 😘
Happy 💙 happy 💜 happy 💚 happy 💛 happy 🧡 happy !!
Sorry that I did not come in in time to say thank you -- my next academic year have started.
Now I will go and try to find my X stuff -- it doesnt seem an easy task this week.

Congrats!!! And thanks for joining ❣️.

Hello, greetings to everyone in this community. It is the first time I participate, I saw the contest and called my attention, so here I share my entry to the contest. I wish you all success.

Congratulations @portal-xenna 😊

Both cars look great 😅

The real car version of the toy car @kdelvaeg 😅

Here's my entry for this week (one of my faves in the world!)

congrats @portal-xenna!

Thank you!!! Trying to find my X-stuff right now 😘

Hope you find one 😄

I already found 2, and thinking about #3! 😀

Congratulations @portal-xenna

here it is on peakd.. the first pic of the alien wasn't loading on dbuzz after i posted it, so.. :P

I love that knife in black especially, one of my favorite colors.

💪😎🤙 yup. the coolest!

Well here's hoping I still make the cut.

Congratulations 💖💫