The following are a few photos of the full moon that I took on November 8, 2022. The sky was fairly clear but as the moon came into view it was somewhat obscured by some trees. I didn't mind that so much though because the moon looked radiant as it appeared to be nestled within the branches.
In this photo the branches were actually in front of the moon but it looks more like the branches are going into the moon as if they are holding the moon from falling down.
This November moon is known as the "Beaver Moon" and it was also a "Blood Moon". However, I messed up with my timing and missed the "Blood Moon" part and peak fullness which had occurred already in the wee morning hour around 6 am EST. "Blood Moon" means that because there was also a lunar eclipse that the moon would show a reddish color.
I may have missed seeing the reddish color but it was still very illuminating up in the dark sky!
I was really happy with some of the photos I captured with the moon behind the tree branches but I also wanted to get a clear shot as well so I walked just a little way up the road and got this photo. Here is a weird little story though! As I was looking up at the moon when I was trying to get this shot it looked as if the moon was pulsing for just a few seconds. Then it looked like "something" shot out of it really fast and disappeared. I just stood there for a minute wondering what I had just seen and if perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me. It was too fast to be a plane and even too fast to try to capture because I was mesmerized at seeing this ... if I did indeed see what it seemed to be. Anyway, make of it what you will!
My last two photos are somewhat like my second photo. One showing the branches in front of the moon and after I moved my camera slightly it looks like the moon has arms and legs growing out of it.
I thought also that just in case you have trouble seeing it as such that I would add a visual for you ... 😉
All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.