Art And Craft

in #hive-194913last year

Everyone can be an artist, regardless of their education or background and you might be surprised what people are capable of when it comes to creativity. In my opinion, there are no limits, or sky is the limit as we like to say.

Art And Craft.jpg

Today I'd like to show you some amazing folk art, crafts that you may have never seen before and it's specific to this region (or not?).


Look at these scenes, made of wood, corn husk and most likely straw. These are raw materials you can collect for free. Wood is not something you can find on every corner, but those who are heating with wood, can spare a piece or two. What I mean here is that you don't have to spend large sums on raw material as you can collect the majority or it for free.


Two men having a drink. Now tell me this is not cute! Look at the implementation of this scene :)


The well known religious scene from Bethlehem. I don't know about you but I think this is excellent work. Also, look at the basket of roses, on the right. The basket most likely was made of straw and the roses were made of corn husk. Coasters on the left. You'd be amazed how many things you can do using these nature given raw materials.


Baskets, lamp shades, different flowers, glass covers, fish, all made of corn husk. (That fish is for @coolmidwestguy 😂, he's going to put me on mute for tagging him again.) Corn husk is used to feed animals, but not always. Sometimes it's minced and used as natural fertilizer. Imagine how available and cheep it is.


You can decorate your Christmas tree entirely using these straw decorations.


The master and his glass art. This man was creating glass tubes and glass sticks on the spot.


Glass jewellery of all kinds.


And this was the booth where I needed my strength the most.


Look at this beauty! How can you resist such temptation? The only reason I did not buy any is because it's not really my style and know I would not wear it much.


Using that old wood to display the jewellery was an excellent idea. Looks very original.




Flowers, cats, birds, you decide which one you buy. A pair of earrings and a necklace, for 30€.



Here you could find all kinds of Romanian folk costumes, shirts, embroidered table cloths.



Beading? This is also art, a very difficult one, but this lady was mastering it like the best of the best do. I had a nice chat with her as I was doing this years ago and have some experience.



Look at these beauties. It's not my style, but regardless, these are masterpieces in my eyes. I was looking at them, trying to figure out how it's done and I think I know the answer. I have the beads and the needle by the way, as you need special needles for this, very thin and flexible ones, that you will break in the second minute :D Yes, I have broken several, till I've learnt not to squeeze them so hard. Would I create one? Nope, I don't think so as it kills your eyes. If you don't wear it, why create one, right? In any case, I consider myself fortunate, for knowing how to do it, although this is not luck, but hard work and practice. Oh, another thing, imagine how expensive these are.


Rugs (not like the one we have in crypto), cloths, towels (not like the ones we have today). These were rough, compared to the quality we have today as most of them were not made of fine quality fiber.




I was eyeing those bags at the back, but as I can create myself a similar one anytime, you can imagine I would never pay 30 - 50€ for such a bag.


These on the other hand were a totally different matter. Those army green ones, the beige and the dark blue were calling my name. I'm planning on making a green cross body bag sometime in the near future. Wold be nice create an unique bag. (If shipping would not be so expensive, I could sell my bags worldwide on Hive.)


Hand painted pendants, painted on wood. There were a few I liked, especially the orange ones. Not that I don't already have a few, but you know. However, I resisted temptation heroically. There were at 7€.


Wooooooooll!! There was this poster, showcasing how the wool is processed.


What you see here is wool in every shape and form possible.



Yarn made of wood did not interest me, but I was wondering if those pack were for felting.


This poster confirmed that it was for felting. What you see on the poster is kids learning how to do felting. It is on my list, but first I need to see how it's done exactly and what I need to make it happen.






I really love places like that as you can learn the whole process from the beginning to the end. This is useful especially for kids as I think they need to learn how it was done, before the industry took over.

The truth is, I would participate in such a workshop, just need a mask as those fibers make me sneeze. Most likely I have a slight form of allergy, so I need to avoid those tiny, invisible fiber parts flying in the air when fabric is shakes out.

I hope you were able to find something you like. @dimascastillo90? Any preferences? 😁

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



Folk art like this is a valuable part of cultural heritage, often passed down through generations, and it's heartwarming to see it showcased and appreciated. Thank you for sharing these incredible pieces of artistry with us!

You said it all. This is heritage and these associations, through these wonderful artists are trying to pass it on to the upcoming generations. These fairs are a good way to make artists meed with the public.

I love art, I love creating new things from scratch.

You and me both :)

Craft fairs I love them but they leave a sadness in me, small entrepreneurs, trying to make a living in hard times selling the wonderful items they have created. looking you in the eye with a pleading look, please stop and buy.

I can't, it is not what I am looking for I'm sorry.

Craft fairs are a rarity where I live, maybe an attempt in the winter solstice, and that is about it.

sad face.

I know what you mean and it is really sad, but that's not the case everywhere. I'm trying to attend as many as I can as I'm a huge fan and trust me, people are buying. Obviously only they know it thy can make ends meet or not, or make some profit as well, but this type of art is not on its way of disappearing. Now they can sell online too, worldwide, which gives them an extra chance. If tourism is working well and there are foreign visitors, that is an extra chance for them.

I guess the more rural and touristic the better it is then, I must be honest when travelling I do try to support the local artisans if there is something that catches my eye.

At home i usually stick to homemade food stuffs.

I'm kind of the same, when traveling, usually buy something, but I attend so many fairs annually, that I have to think of my budget as well 😁


I love all the crafts❤️💯

I'm really glad to hear that :)


Amazing handmade art and crafts as always. The wooden ones are wonderful! Again you made me wanna just jump out of the room and get my hands on those things. Those Romanian dresses too. Man, I want one.

Lol, then my post wasn't a waste of time. I know how you feel, and imagine me on the scene, when I could buy whatever I want, or whatever my budget permits? 😁

Haha, no I not mute you. Fish received, I'm all for easy catches 🤣 Speaking of corn husk there is a Corn Palace about two hours away from my child hood home. Lots of decorative things made out of every part of the corn plant. The whole outside of the building and on a lot of the interior walls. Nothing for sale just for looks.

Wow, that must be amazing! I've only been to a straw museum and that was amazing.

You should visit and take photos when you're in the area as I'm sure it is amazing.

Perhaps the next time but it's really out of the way from everything else. I've been there several times it was the home of state wrestling events. I even wrestled in the Corn Palace. Many years ago I will say.

Only if you're in the area. Now that you're on Hive and addicted to it (I hope), you know what to look for 😜

Haha since Hive I take so many more photos. Sometimes I wonder if my phone will just burn up one day, haha. Yes I'm addicted 😁 Speaking of which I got a treat in the form of cargo my shop put onto a birdie. Have to wait until it's delivered before sharing though. Hmm maybe I tag you 🤣

You can tag me without any problems, no worries. After all the taggigs I've done... 😜

I don't know but I love most of the things I see here 😄 I think the older I get, the more I like crafts, art and decorations. 🤣

You made me remember the craft fair in Recoleta here in Buenos Aires, I think I'll go tomorrow 🙈

Look! I'm a fan of things like this too 😍


I love such bracelets 💛 I have 3 or 4 myself 😍

Looking forward to your fair post.

That's a nice craft fair, I love fairs and I make a lot of crafts, too. What country is it in, Romania? I thought Romania wasn't a so expensive country, €30 for a necklace and a pair of earings? 😳😬 wow, that's too much money 🥴
Did you buy anything?
Have a nice weekend @erikah 😺🤘🤘

Yes, this is in Romania.

I thought Romania wasn't a so expensive country

Depends on your budget and financial situation. Some say life in Romania is expensive, others can afford everything. So it depends :) €30 for a necklace and a pair of earrings is not even expensive, as I've seen more expensive ones.

I didn't buy anything, imagine my self control 😂 There were many things that were calling my name, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to do I really need it or not?

You too @gatubela, enjoy your weekend 😀

Hmmm 🤔 I told you that because I have read and watch on TV that Romania is one of the cheapest countries in Europe but I think that €30 for a necklace and a pair of earings means that indeed it's an expensive country hahaha 😬🥴

🤣🤣🤣🤣 nothing? 😕 that's a lot of self control 👍 I use to make myself the same question, do I really need that? Although many times I ignore it 🤭🤭🤭🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

I have read and watch on TV that Romania is one of the cheapest countries in Europe

Not necessarily, there are cheaper countries I think, but who knows.

Yes, it requires a lot of self control indeed, but needs to be done :)

I am a bracelet lover, I really want to have one of these😁

You and me both. Those were tempting for sure :)

What a treat to wake up to! LOL It was like heaven scrolling through your photos with so much to look at, but not hard to choose my favorite booth...yes, it was the spinnig and weaving booths. It is so satisfying watching children learn new crafts and hoping the seed you planted takes root.

It was just yesterday that I watched a video of a Romanian weaving shop. The focus was on the embroidery of the traditional folk costumes. Loved the tour!

It was like heaven scrolling through your photos with so much to look at,

This is music to my ears, or food for my eyes? 😁 I'm really glad to read that, honestly.

That booth was indeed interesting and necessary too as how else you teach kids, or make them understand how fabric or yarn was made once.

Most likely you can find a bunch of videos on YT, that worth watching if you're a fan.

I'm really glad you likd this. Stay tuned as there's more to come soon :)

Those wooden sculptures look surreal. All this items are all expensive I believe because they are hand-made. A lot of people make a living by making and selling items like those in your pictures especially to tourists

I kind of envy creative art people and their work because I don't think I'm that creative 😂

Handmade items are always expensive but you know how it is, it depends on your financial situation as well.

You're right, a lot of people make a living or trying to make a living but the market is already so saturated that it's not easy.


Thank you.

Thank you for giving me a walk through that fabulous craft market!!!...

I loved each of the pieces, those bead necklaces left me dumbfounded. Embroidered shirts; I would have one of each design. And these necklaces, with their presentation in old wood, left me totally in love. The turquoise one on the right is my favorite. I send a big hug from Havana!!!!

My pleasure @saraleo! I'm glad you could find something you like. The truth is, the offer is huge, so it's impossible not to like so many things. But, as there's always a but, we always have a budget too 😁

Someday I will do a report on Cuban crafts. This is an island of artists and we have very skilled hands around here. And despite the scarcity of materials, a solution is always found to make beautiful things. My hug from Havana 💚🙏

As the kids say now, I loved the recreation of the nativity scene in Bethlehem, the bags are beautiful, the necklaces, everything, hahaha. Years ago I also saw crafts made with some types of dried leaves of plants in a town far from where I live, I was surprised to see so many things that can be done with recycling, plants, wood, in short, it's a matter of creativity.

I love this kind of fairs, they are spaces where handmade work should be valued even more, and that's why they are usually expensive, but they are more than unique pieces.

Beautiful pictures. Best regards.

If you like these, maybe you can check out my posts about the straw museum. They had so many lovely things. Let me get you the links.

The Straw Hat Museum - Open Area And Souvenir Shop
Visiting The Land Of Straw Hats - The Museum

Looks like I'm not the only one who likes these fairs and I'm glad to hear that. And you're right, handmade things are always expensive as they spend more hours creating them and are also of limited series.

Thanks for the nice comment and have a nice day :)

You must have been a magician to know that I haven't seen these kind of art before😅 They are all breathtaking arts. I thought those two men drinking were the king's guard, they look like one and the whole scene there looks like a throne.

It's not a brainer as most likely in your country, there are no such artworks and artisans are creating totally different things :)

Well, who knows what the artist meant by them, but I think these two are jut two peasants.

Honestly, it feels like high-level art, I dreamed that it would be like this, especially the raw materials made amazing, extraordinary @erikah

Honestly, it feels like high-level art

It is in my eyes, you're not wrong there at all. Thank you @aries12, I'm glad you like it.

Thank you very much back honestly this will be a motivation for me

These are really cool stuff. Anything works for creative people. The reason I so admire them much. I love the bag too and I'd love to have a feel on those wool products.

They are indeed, we agree on that :) Those wool products are cool, but a bit rough at touching. The bags on the other hand 😍 I need to get back to making bags.

The folk art and crafts you showcased are truly mesmerizing, highlighting the boundless creativity people can possess when working with simple, natural materials.

Great post as always @erikah =D

Thank you @rak7, I'm glad you think that way as these people are real artists in my eyes :)

Have a nice weekend :)

creative has no ends, beautiful hand-made items , but i like white pearl necklace the most.... you always show amazing exibition to us, my heart lured just looking those items... thanks for sharing...

creative has no ends

That is very true. Sky is the limit and this is why you see so many nice things all the time and new ones too. So no matter how many fairs I go, there's always a lot of things to admire.

you always show amazing exibition to us

I'm trying :)

Very beautiful photographs! Are they from somewhere in Transylvania, possibly Harghita or Covasna counties (or even Mureș)? Just asking. All the best, thank you for writing and sharing this post, and plenty of success here on HIVE!

Thank you @vikthor. These crafters were from all over Transylvania, Hungary and there was a couple from Kazakhstan as well. I don't know how they got there or why, but was glad to see them.

Thanks for the wishes, I wish you the same and have a nice weekend :)

Thank you for the clarification! I was just curious, considering the text in the photographs in Hungarian. Hungarians in Romania have very beautiful traditional art and clothing (and their traditional cuisine is quite tasty as well - I am talking mainly from personal experience). While we are at traditional Hungarian cuisine, did you know that the delicious Kürtőskalács came to Transylvania via the Transylvanian Saxons? The Saxons have a variant of it called Baumstriezel. You can read more about the traditional cuisine of the Transylvanian Saxons here: (the article was written by me).

On the photographs, to get back on topic, these were very beautiful items. Hand made items are, in general, very beautiful and created through a lot of creativity and hard work. These are very good reasons to support these craftsmen and traders. Best regards from Suceava!

P.S.: Your posts are always very beautiful and I am very grateful for checking them! In addition, it is very nice to see as many Romanian authors here on HIVE as possible! Much respect and all the best! 🙂

Thank you @vikthor, I know quite a lot about Hungarians in Transylvania s I'm one of them 😁 and about Saxons too as I have Saxon roots as well. However, thanks for the info and the nice comment. Have a nice day and see you around :)

Oh, I see, very interesting! I have Transylvanian Saxon roots as well, as I mentioned before. I also know a bit of Hungarian. It is a very interesting and melodic language. I truly think Romanians and Hungarians can get along very well and I know for certain there has been a lot of social, ethnic, economic, and religious understanding and common living between Romanians, Hungarians, and Saxons in Transylvania. As a native of Bukovina, I know very well at a smaller scale how it is to live in a multicultural region. I take it as a blessing and I am very grateful for it! All the best and plenty of success! 🙂

P.S.: Nagyon köszönöm!

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