Art At The Castle

in #hive-194913last year

Sunday we went to visit the Făgăraș Citadel, which is the main attraction of Făgăraș. I'm going to post about it in details, but today I'd like to show you a few art pieces, paintings I saw at the castle.

Art At The Castle.jpg

Never in my wildest dream I would have imagined I would find an art exhibition in the citadel, or castle, but I was more than happy to see it hosted by them. There was no poster about it at the entrance, ot I did not see it.


As you can see, it doesn't look like a gallery as it's in the castle, but it looks better in my opinion. At least I like it better than a normal gallery.


The artist is called Nicolae Sabin Dobrea and I suppose just looking at the poster of the exhibition gives you an idea about what you're going to see.

Reading the presentation of the artist, which is in Romanian only, you can learn that he's an engineer who have learnt art by himself and several exhibition in Romania.




The Goddess Of Books

The good thing here was that all the artworks had a title, so the guesswork was at a lower level. I mean you still had to figure out what the artist meant and why is that the title of the artwork, but at least you had some guidance in that regard.



I liked these poppies. Would be a colorful spot on anyone's wall.


Summer Fantasy

According to the presentation about the artist, he has never been attached to a single style. His only or main goal was to pass on a message to the viewer.




Field Of Poppies




The Kiss - Reinterpretation (Tribute to Gustav Klimt)

This is where things started to get interesting for me. I'm not a religious person and my religion is pretty simple, we don't have religious icons. When I looked at this painting, first I thought it's some kind of a religious painting, due the the golden aura above the two character's head. What I loved about the painting was the pattern of their dress.

Then when I saw the title, knew right away this is not just a simple painting of the author. So I ran a search and found out Gustav Klimt painted a somewhat similar one between 1907-1908.

Gustav Klimt - The Kiss

The above image is not mine, but I wanted to post it for you to be able to compare the two artworks. The second one is the original, the first is a reinterpretation. Which one is your favorite? I would go with the first one.

The Kiss (in German Der Kuss) is an oil-on-canvas painting with added gold leaf, silver and platinum by the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. It was painted at some point in 1907 and 1908, during the height of what scholars call his "Golden Period". It was exhibited in 1908 under the title Liebespaar (the lovers) as stated in the catalogue of the exhibition. The painting depicts a couple embracing each other, their bodies entwined in elaborate beautiful robes decorated in a style influenced by the contemporary Art Nouveau style and the organic forms of the earlier Arts and Crafts movement. source

I suggest you click the link above and learn about the painting as it's not an usual one and have a nice history.


Dreaming in Two - Original (Tribute to Gustav Klimt)

Looking around among Gustav Klimt's works, turns out those dress patterns are not something random. He liked to use similar patterns in his paintings. I need to learn more about the artist as hos works look interesting. This is why I love Hive, I get to learn during posting as there's always a lot of research done while posting about exhibitions.


Portrait of Dali


Behind a successful man is a strong woman (auto portrait)

So this is the artist and his wife I suppose.


Pink Dreaming

This painting seems pretty kitschy but has a deep meaning. look around, how many dreamers are there, thinking like is all a pink cloud. Then they get the slaps from life regularly.


Mother Nature - The Green Girl With Forest Hair


Boat On The Seashore

I hope you have a favorite today. Let me know in the comment if you like any of the artwork here.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



Exploring thе Făgăraș Citadеl and discovеring this hiddеn art еxhibition insidе thе castlе is a dеlightful surprisе! 😍🏰🎨 It's fascinating how art can find its homе in unеxpеctеd placеs. I'm intriguеd by thе rеintеrprеtation of Gustav Klimt's 'Thе Kiss' – thе artist's uniquе takе is truly captivating. I am a newbie and would be checking out the guides you have provided. Thank you for sharing this artistic journеy with us! @erikah

Art finds its place everywhere, if there's a bit of human will to help and this castle was the perfect place for such an exhibition I think.

Feel free to check those guides out.

Yеs, I complеtеly agrее with you! Art has a way of еnriching any spacе, and yеs it is, thе castlе was a fantastic choicе for thе еxhibition. I'll dеfinitеly chеck out thе guidеs you mеntionеd. Thank you for the guides @erikah

I am such a fan of artworks too. Love it!

Makes me glad to hear that.

I love all the artworks but will I love to go with, The Kiss and Pink Dreaming.😁
Always love to visit your blog because there are always new things to learn and see

Thanks for sharing 😊

Wow. Some incredible works of art in that Exhibit. Great photos.