Two days ago I showed you some photos I took at the amateur art gallery. You can check my post here, if you missed it. As I said in my previous post, it was an exhibition for the newly joined members of the amateur artists association.
I was happy to learn there were a series of artists participating, which always make an exhibition colorful. It's better to have 50 artworks from 12 artists, than 50 from the same artist. In the latter case, there's a huge chance you see a lot of similarities, which is not something I like.
Basically no matter who the artist is, amateur or professional, from visitor point of view, you are facing the same challenge every time.
You stand in front of the painting and try to figure out what the artist was thinking and what's the message they want to send.
So far this was my favorite. I liked how the artist created the face, it's a pretty one by the way, even if the eyes are mostly covered. The red around the face, with the black background was a very good idea. I love the colors.
This was a surprise. Even though I went n without expectations, I wasn't expecting to see such artwork. Don't ask me why as I can't explain it. It was just odd.
Same with this one. Most likely it was the same artist.
This was another nice one, I liked it a lot. It takes you back to the 19th century or so. Unfortunately there's always something that can ruin a good experience and in this case was the artist's card attached to each artwork. I mean i understand it's important to link the two in case someone is interested, but not like this.
This came like a cold shower, honestly. It's from the same artist. After I say the previous one, I thought I'm going to see masterpieces like that, but I couldn't have been more wrong.
This seemed nice till I spotted the woman on the path. I tried to define what was bothering me. In my opinion the path is too steep for a woman dressed like that. Am I too fussy? I can't help it, that's what I see when I look at the painting. Otherwise I like it, the colors are nice.
Although it would not be my favorite scene, I loved this one. If I were to create a story based on what I saw on this painting. I would say the woman is a Tunisian, or Egyptian. I liked how the light came from above her head and from the fire as well. Her claret dress is also a nice choice.
What you see on the photo is a woman playing a traditional Romanian music instrument. It's a horn and it's common in the mountains. I loved the tree here, it's so lifelike.
These two were too far from my taste.
Flowers and naive art.
And a big eye watching you.
In the meantime I remembered what the curator told the lady who presented her works to the gallery. The word was poor technique. I wish I could have had a look at her works to see what poor technique looks like.
This is it for today. I think there are artwork here for every taste, so let's see if you have a favorite today.
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