Weapons At The Citadel Of Fagaras

in #hive-1949138 months ago

Life is changing at a shocking speed and you only realize that by looking back in time. Museums are the best place where to do that. When you look back at how our ancestors have lived once, you can appreciate what you have, more. One of the areas that has had a huge improvement is the defense.

Weapons At The Citadel Of Fagaras.jpg

Life has not always been peaceful, not that it is peaceful now. There are several wars going on as we speak and who knows what the future holds for us. Is the development in this field a good thing? It is good and bad as well. It's good that we can defend ourselves in a more efficient way and it's bad that this is needed. But it is what it is. Come with me to show you what defence looked like in the 18th century. These photos were taken at the Citadel of Fagaras last year by the way.


When I look at these firearms, the first thing I'm thinking is how efficient they were. You know the answer already as we tend to compare these with what we have today. Have you ever fired a gun or a rifle? if you have, you know the difference.


Some of these or most of them are from the 19th century. Each of them had to be loaded after each fire and precision was incomparable with what the word means today.


There was a room full of weapons of all kinds from different eras, to give you an idea about defense in the past.


You could read about the evolution of the weapons throughout the centuries and the origin of these weapons. Some of them are from the the royal fund, some of them from the National Museum of Art and the rest have been purchased. I wonder where from.


Different pistols from the 18th and 19th century. These items always remind me of those movies in which nobles and well offs dueled with each other due to matters of honor and pride, with more or less success.


The unusual design of the guns can tell you that most likely these were custom made for the owner and were not used in battles. The three pistols come from three different areas of the world. The one on the left is from an Austrian workshop, the one on the top right is from England and the one below is an oriental one.


You think a pistol or a shotgun can only serve one purpose, but looking at these beauties, you can see they wanted it to look nice, or even beautiful. The one with ivory handle is from Turkey, and dates back to 18th - 19th century. I keep thinking I would not want to use these. If there's a need to use one, I'd prefer a modern one, this is how my mind works. Knowing there's better, you don't except the outdated, I suppose.


You can guess, just by looking at these swords, how old they are. There were times when these swords were the most sophisticated weapons humanity had. I've only done fencing and can tell you, you need to be brave to handle these weapons. You need a lot of strength and training.


Three flintlock guns. The first one on the left is from 1798, made in Austria. Next to it there's one from Belgium, from the 19th century and the last one on the right is also from Austria, from the 18th century.



I don't even want to imagine those close combats in which these weapons were used. Battle scythes, spears and halberds. Those bloodbaths you see in movies ... Better not.



I've seen plenty of combat helmets in different museums of the world, but never a combat helmet for a horse. this was new to me, but I'm glad some of the horses had helmets. I wonder how they were able to cope with such an accessory as it's very unnatural for them.


Both helmets are from the 16th century. Compare these with the helmets of today.


Battle whip from the 16th - 17th century. I was wondering if these have been found during some archeological excavations, or are just replicas, but there was no info on that.


These were scary and I bet you don't want to meet any of them in a real battle. We think the current weapons are scary. Well, there were scary too.


While I find these exhibitions interesting, I can't forget why these weapons have been made and used for.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



The battle whip looks very, very scary! I would not like to be the enemy of the person who used it 😯

My thoughts exactly, it gives you goose bumps, just by looking at it.

what an incredible variety and quantity of antique weapons, although the truth is that horse helmet is quite disturbing to the eye.

Well, it may be disturbing but I'm sure it was useful then. Imagine those poor animals, no one protected them, they were just collateral damage.

Omg all these weapons are so charming, I love old weapons I find them really interesting!

Not many like them, some can only think of the destruction they make, but this is history :)

Whoa, just imagine being shot or stabbed with those old weapons! If the wound didn't kill you, the infection would have. They're fascinating!

Well, with the tools and medication that was available back then, getting infected was quite high, so you are right about that :)

All fascinated old weapon, great viewing site

I agree.

Good to read that


I feel an unusual attraction to these weapons... because of their antiquity and historical value... and you know what happened to me while I was reading you and watching those evil creations? I started to think that maybe that room is full of souls in pain that died destroyed by those macabre artifacts... uuuuuuuu 👻.... my skin prickled.😅

Well, not this room, but there is another bastion, where the prison and torture room functioned. It was pretty scary to look at those devices and read the history of the place and the torture stories. So you're not wrong here.

And when are we going to see this? 🤔

I already posted about it last year.

Ya ya... to search and scroll down nanixxx 😏

I remember walking between these. Such a beautiful collection! Sort of reminds me of the museum of medieval weapons from Sighisoara - I've never seen a more impressive collection of weapons in other places :)

I saw one last year in medias, brought from the Brukenthal museum. It was a temporary exhibition, so maybe the weapons are back to Sibiu already :) But this was a nice one.

The battle whip is so dangerous among the weapons. I want this on the battlefield 😁. There is a good collection of pistols from the old days. It's pretty to see the old heritage collection in the same place.

I'd say all the weapons are dangerous, just in a different way. 😄

Museums houses historical facts and honestly when we visit the museum we come to value what we had and perhaps what are not in use commonly in the society. This idea makes us keep putting more value and importance on the old things in terms of comparison between the modern and the old. I remember the good old days...

I loved the whole report! You're absolutely right, history is very necessary to know the present. That's why I've admired it since I was a child. I think, in fact, I'm a fan of history. In Cuba we have countless wonderful museums and yet I've never done a report on them. You've given me a tremendous idea. Thanks!!!

You are right, not knowing the past makes you repeat the same mistakes, plus evolution comes from studying the past.

In Cuba we have countless wonderful museums and yet I've never done a report on them. You've given me a tremendous idea. Thanks!!!

What are you waiting for? 😂

Humanity as develop in all areas of life. Technological advancement as made war more simple. We constantly live under fear because of the simplicity of war.

Generalizing like that is wrong in my opinion and there's no simplicity in any war.

Amazing job!!!!!📸🔝


En lo personal tu perfil es como una inspiración para yo poder abrirme camino en lo que ha creador de contenido se refiere

Yo estudie un poco sobre las primeras armas en mi carrera de diseño industrial, cuando se empezaron a fabricar en masa se estandarizaron piezas para ir teniendo repuestos y regulaciones. Extrañamente gracias a eso la industrialización fue mucho más viable y por ese motivo en estos días contamos con piezas estandarizadas en general por varios productores

Strangely enough, this industrialization made the process much more feasible, and as a result, we now have standardized parts produced by various manufacturers these days.

That is interesting. I know very little about this industry.
Last year I found out that the armies of the NATO countries all use bullets of the same caliber, which makes sense.

You need a lot of strength and training

for swords. Exactly why guns were such a game changer. Point and pull the trigger. Too easy. Maybe thats some of the problems with guns today.

combat helmet for a horse

😂 I love it. These are the kind of details you stumble across in museums that make the trip worthwhile.

Some of the guns are not light weight either. I had the chance to hold some at he beginning of the year (or was it last year?) and some of them were quite heavy. However, I think the difference is in how you handle them, plus precision as well.

Excelente historia 👏😊 me encanta tu contenido bendiciones 😉

Thank you @ibarra95.

Reading through your post brought memories of when I visited a museum in Badagry Lagos, Nigeria. It holds the history of slave trade in Nigeria, I saw the canon that was used, the chains and whips. I could only imagine how they lived in those days.

Is the development in this field a good thing? It is good and bad as well.

Upgrades of weapons are good for their effectiveness but it could be as bad as it effectiveness too.

The weapons today get things done quickly but the weapons of the past were much more gruesome. I'd rather meet my demise with a bullet in the head than be chopped, cut and hammered on. The past weapons are cool to look at though, better in a case than to be used, haha. Today swords in the military are primarily for ceremony and even sometimes for going away gifts. Still used but for much different reasons.