Playing a photographer: Wonders of photography

in #hive-194913last year


“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
— Aaron Siskind

Photography is one most interesting thing to do, I was always this shy person in front of any camera since from my childhood, anytime i see the camera I would cry till it will be taken off and that makes me have no childhood photos. I have regret such actions and I am very happy seeing children going for the shoots now, the little ones screaming "please take me pictures", and really things have changed. You will see kids smiling and making nice poses whenever they see a camera pointing to their direction and I wish that was me then. I now snap photos of people and myself and I have found the joy in it. It gives me this excitement anytime I handle a camera, trying to make my client smile or give better poses for a better picture and try my all to make it a good one.


Showing others and also learning from others has always been the goal to achieving success. We all need each other to keep going, in photography there are some tips we know and some other people don't and vice versa, but we can still help then achieve this great goals and become a better photographer in future.

One of my goals was to be a good photographer, and I am starting to see this dream come into reality. It has started with a mobile phone and I have achieved some things with it and expecting an hand camera and a good laptop to get this goal to it's peak. And I keep on hoping to achieve this goal a d never let go of it.


Satisfying your client is always the key goal, and we know that people love things differently so you have to know the taste of this client and make a good work.

I took this photo of my friend trying to take a picture, the chain really looks great. Photography brings out the smile from a person, no matter how hard and low the emotions was, you would probably smile for a better photo.


Photography is one of the best thing one can do.

This is me posing for a picture, I was filled with smiles and happy to take a picture because I knew how cute it will be.

Photos taken by me and friends
Taken with Redmi 12c