This morning it started raining at 06.00 am and until now it's still raining and I'm not going anywhere. I'm just in the house waiting for the rain to stop. I made a post here and I saw on my cell phone camera there was a picture of orchids that I took. Some time ago, to be precise, I was visiting one of the residents' houses and when I got there I saw an orchid flower that was so beautiful and charming. I was very interested in seeing the orchid flower and when I opened it, this orchid was very beautiful in shape and the color was so bright. and I, too, from all the residents' household literacy, I immediately woke up to approach the orchid flower because it was so beautiful, so I tried to take a picture of the orchid flower with the cellphone camera that I brought. I also immortalized it on various sides of the orchid flower. And okay, friends, below we can see some beautiful photography pictures of beautiful orchids that I have prepared. I hope that all friends here can be entertained with my offerings, namely orchids from me.
Thank you everyone who has visited my post. Those are just a few photos of orchids that I have presented above.