Or probably a better title, instead of "Price of Comfort" would be "Guardians of Luxury"?
Anyway. Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, was my home for many years. I was a witness of the rapid boom of the city. One example is the number of the cars that increased from about 200k to about two millions in under ten years!
People moved in and migrated from the smaller cities and towns looking for a "better" life.
Yes, the salaries in Sofia are the biggest in Bulgaria but the quality of living isn't great.
It's one of the most polluted capitals in Europe. If not THE most polluted one.
The first photo from this series is my entry to Qurator's Photo Quest | Technology by @qurator, thank you! I hope you enjoy those industrial pictures from around Sofia taken at around sunset at the outskirts of the biggest Bulgarian city.
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Copyright: Light Captured
For licensing my photos, please drop me a message on Discord: lightcaptured#2698
Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!