[ENG]|[ESP] A rainy day.

in #hive-1949132 years ago

Hello friends in the Photography Lovers community, I hope you are having a nice day.

While in some parts of the world a very strong heat wave is hitting, in my city we had several days of rain, which have made the weather a bit cold.

I personally love these cold and rainy days, I like to wear my "winter" clothes, sweaters and jackets to go out.

Hola amigos en la comunidad de Photography Lovers espero esten teniendo un bonito dia.

Mientras en algunas parte del mundo esta azotando una ola de calor muy fuerte, en mi ciudad hemos tenidos varios dias de lluvia, que han puesto el clima un poco frio.

Yo en lo personal amo estos dias frios y lluviosos, me gusta usar mi ropa de "invierno", sueteres y chaquetas para salir.

On this rainy day I went outside and took my camera with me to capture some beautiful landscapes of this day.

En este dia lluvioso sali a la calle y llevé mi camara conmigo para capturar algunos paisajes bonitos de este dia.

(Is there a McDonald's in every part of the world?)

(En todas partes del mundo existe un mc' donals? )

In the trailer on the left they sell fast and delicious food, and the truck on the right belongs to a man who sells eggs informally.

En el trailer que se ve a la izquierda venden comida rapida y muy deliciosa, y la camioneta de la derecha le pertenece a un señor que vende huevos de manera informal.

Only in this kind of weather can we see people using umbrellas and doing all kinds of things to shelter from the rain, which always makes photos look interesting.

Solo en este tipo de clima podemos ver personas usando paraguas y haciendo todo tipo de cosas para resguardarse de la lluvia, lo que siempre da un aspecto interesante a las fotos.

I still love the landscape that is created in this climate.

Yo sigo amando el paisaje que se crea en este clima.

And after being on the street for a while, when I returned to my house the sky was already darkening and there were some beautiful blue colors, I looked for my camera and took this photo in the blue hour:

Y despues de estar en la calle, cuando regresé a mi casa ya se estaba oscureciendo el cielo y habian unos bonitos colores azules, busqué mi camara y tome esta foto en la hora azul:




Hello handsome! I love the mood that is captured in rainy photos.

Yes there is a Macdonald's everywhere. I have been to Micky D's even in Cairo Egypt. Just to use the washroom though haha.

I love the mood that is captured in rainy photos.

i loved that mood too, i love to drink hot chocolate in rainy days!! and you?

Wine rain or shine😊

Wine with rain is delicious but hot chocolate too!

We have a no selfie rule. Please avoid posting selfies :)

Ohhh im so sorryy!!!

Ii just edited the post and fixed it
