A Disturbing Bug
A Dark Sheep On The Matrix
Livestock's Price Goes Down
Greetings, Fellow Visual Age Shepherds!
How's your opinion been doing lately in public environment? How has your inner voice fared through the waterfall of outside advice and teachings?
What are the chances of a contrarian agrarian dominating the field?
One can dominate the field by hoe but being contrarian agrarian means having accepted the low productivity of actions and low feasibility of ideas as far as the white-wool populace is concerned.
The dark sheep did not come to Earth to match Social Credit Score Environment. They are here to push against Entropy.
I am going to try and translate the opening lyrics of a Bulgarian rock band's song called The Black Sheep for you.
Slowly it engulfs us — the sea
of gray and tiresome days.
The mind listens not to the heart
but always calculates, always on the alarm.
— група Ахат / the Agate band
Thinking outside the box is a mark of creativity and the white-wooled might like some of the results of that.
Living outside the box is harder. There shall always be things that others dislike, discuss, get disturbed by.
Is there a problem fro white sheep living in a disblacksheepian society? Perhaps not in the minds. But the hearts would lack something. Initially. Then black paint shall be on high demand at some point.
There's something else black sheep are good for except entertainment, progressive ideas and executions, healthy unrest, pushing Entropy back, and taking the blame. A list of the useless? don't you think? No? Good.
Anyway, there's something else.
Black sheep sometimes see black swans from afar.
But it doesn't matter because their warnings are lost in the bleating and barking.
Meanwhile, more sheep perish to shepherds than to bears, wolves, and black swans combined.
Peace And Green Pastures!
Black Sheep M.