un pequeño cambio - a small change [Esp/Eng]

in #hive-194913last year

pero si estás notando un cambio en mi sonrisa y mirada puede deberse a varias razones. Puede ser que me sientas incómoda frente a la cámara o mi estado de ánimo en el ese momento , lo que puede causar que cambies tu expresión o tu postura. También es posible que estoy tratando de encontrar mi mejor ángulo o que estés tratando de enfatizar ciertas características. En cualquier caso, recuerda que la belleza radica en tu autenticidad y en ser tu mismo. ¡Sonríe con confianza y sé feliz en tus fotos!

but if you are noticing a change in my smile and look it could be due to a number of reasons. It could be that I'm uncomfortable in front of the camera or my mood at the time, which may cause you to change your expression or posture. It is also possible that I am trying to find my best angle or that you are trying to emphasise certain features. In any case, remember that beauty lies in your authenticity and being yourself - smile with confidence and be happy in your photos!

foto de mi propiedad / photo of my property
foto de mi propiedad / photo of my property


I agree with you, we have to keep exploring and getting to know ourselves when we are in front of the camera, it is very common to feel uncomfortable or not knowing which is your best angle when you have the lens pointed at you, but with time and practice that shyness turns into a beautiful smile. The most important thing is to enjoy the process.

gracias cariño por tu buena informacion