Your revised version looks great! Here's a slightly polished version with some minor tweaks for flow and clarity:
This is my 10th season snowboarding. I remember when I first started—the first few weeks were extremely difficult. However, with each attempt, I got better and better. Nowadays, snowboarding feels like second nature to me. I just strap the board to my feet and ride as much as I want. The most important thing is to wear a helmet—sometimes, it can really save your life, because the worst can happen when you feel too confident. I have to say that something as simple as snowboarding has taught me so many lessons. So, if anyone has never tried it, I’d highly recommend giving it a go.
In the meantime, I’d like to share a kind of “Christmas card” moment
- though it’s not actually Christmas. While sitting on the cable car, I captured this beautiful view.
Me behind two skiing friends
Just random pictures taken with my phone.
Here is data from top speed on the board