Virtual tour ✈️

in #hive-19491310 months ago
Today I went to an electronics and appliance store I was looking for estimates for air conditioners the high temperatures are getting stronger every day but that's not the issue

The truth is that there were some huge televisions where everything could be seen very clearly, at that moment I was making a virtual trip and I could not help taking pictures I was teleported to those beautiful places in old cars.

This vintage red cab will take me on a tour of the entire city


This other collector's cab, also red, drives me all along the coasts.


We were caught in a bit of traffic, there were more old vehicles of different colors all over the city.


The cab driver washing his car, there were some parked in the parking lot


I continued my tour through a very picturesque city with very friendly people, the ideal convertible taco to better enjoy the scenery.


I traveled through this island where there were beautiful houses, yachts and sea.


I was able to travel and reach this beautiful royal palace tell me if it is not a dream.


This is the end of my virtual trip, I hope you like the pictures of my imaginary journey.


Photos of my property


Love the old cars!

Red cars always attract attention.

This car color is very nice

Luxury cars!
