It is well with my soul.

in #hive-1949133 months ago

Sundays are supposed to be days of peace and this world is in a turmoil.
061 (2).jpg

I will show you some peaceful pictures and I also want to share an amazing story.

It is said that one of the greatest hurts is when a parent loses a child. Some years ago, I nursed a boy that had Leukemia cancer for the last 3 months of his life. Needless to say, that when he died, his parents were shattered. So, consider if you had 4 children and all of them were taken away in an instant?
The writer of the song, It is well with my soul, had such an experience, and he wrote the song that became a world-famous hymn after his daughters died.
I will share his story with you in here.




Horatio Spafford was the author of this song. (1873)

This hymn was written after traumatic events in Spafford's life. The first was the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, which ruined him financially (Spafford had been a successful lawyer and had invested significantly in property in the area of Chicago that was extensively damaged by the great fire). His business interests were further hit by the economic downturn of 1873, at which time Spafford had planned to travel to England with his family on the SS Ville du Havre, to help with Dwight L. Moody's upcoming evangelistic campaigns.

In a late change of plan, Spafford sent his wife Anna and four daughters ahead while Spafford was delayed on business concerning zoning problems following the Great Chicago Fire. While crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sea vessel, the Loch Earn, and all of Spafford's daughters died. Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, "Saved alone …". Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to England to meet his grieving wife, Spafford was inspired to write these words as his ship passed the spot near where his four daughters had died. Bliss called his tune Ville du Havre, from the name of the stricken vessel.




Peace in the heart would avoid all the talk of Armageddon and World War III, and instead will improve all of the suffering that we see in this world. But sadly greed, avarice, pride, and many other dark motives rule worldwide, and the world is sliding into an abyss day by day.




One only has to have a look at the media headlines, as we are now starting to see things that we have never seen before. Murder, corruption and mayhem are the big stories and not a word about the necessity of love and peace. Old fashioned is the description of these values, as modern times call for action, and selfishness wears the crown. I would rather sit and look at nature, than before a TV watching the doings and screwings by other people.
A mere look at the photos in here will show you how artificial human life has become. Life is a gift, and it's meant to be lived in love and kindness, but sadly somehow, we have lost the real things that matter over time. Is this a rant? Definitely not, as it is rather a truth.
Make of it what you will, but if we continue on this road world war will become a reality.
Just my own thoughts in here.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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Loved the pictures 👍

Thank you!

Hello, I also have the same photo as the cover of your post, but the only difference is that I took this photo in Iran.
I am also preparing this post, my photos are very similar to the photos in your post, I find it interesting that what you find interesting is the same for me.

A good photo!

What fields, what mountains. Such a beautiful picturesque and peaceful place.

Thank you for sharing this story, I will listen to this song right now. I agree with you, and lately I have bee thinking in this same thing about how super final life has became, and how much pure is in real. But media has made us believe that we need to “fill” our lives with things, money, sex, food, but the truth is that we are already complete, we just need to connect with this.

Contemplating nature and feeling its perfection is one of the beautiful ways to connect with this truth.

Thank you, and always my pleasure to share. So many are trapped in the things that you mention, and greed plays a major role to quench the "want" factor that we all are born with. This want can never be satisfied, as it continuously wants more, and in the end, it is all an illusion. People are not content in themselves, and so three quarters if not more are wearing masks every day. Living false lives to impress others. The quarter of contented ones are thinly sowed across the world, and they don't partake in the nonsense.
Such is life!




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Wow, it's very beautiful, I really like it

Thank you!

For Horatio Spafford to be able to write this most beautiful song, which I just listened to, after losing his four daughters in the blink of an eye is truly amazing. Faith is a remarkable thing, a guiding light in even the darkest of times.

The world is headed for a disaster like never seen before and unless things change very shortly the human race may find itself on bended knees praying to a God that has been ignored by so many.

It seems that darkness has set upon us all with very little hope of turning things around. Every life is precious but the lives of so many are taken with no regard for what will follow.

As the essence of what a family should be all about has taken a back seat, civility has been obliterated by the lack of values.

Old-fashioned worked so well in the past, so why not give it a go once again?

Thank you for the reply, and I read it to Marian, needless to say that she is mightily impressed by your truth Rob. That hymn and also "How Great is our God" featured prominently in my sermons, and we like the Louis Giglio version. We still sing it in our home studies, and I only preach now on invite, as I was told that I am "over the hill", the formal retirement age is 65, and I am a wee bit older than that :))

I think that regardless of our modern "progress", history will repeat itself, as people just refuse to learn the lessons. It is the same with regards to our God, as to many He is only a fable.

Oh yes, war is terrible, and especially with nuclear threats now entering the fray. Entire cities can be destroyed instantly and all in the name of what? Sheer destructive madness and the would be winner will also be the loser.

Values and morals are all regarded as old fashioned, and the new way is pride and zero tolerance. Love was cast out of the window and replaced with hatred and revenge.


Age is nothing but a number. Passion for what one does does not cease just because we age. What does happen is that we get wiser with the passing of time, at least some of us do.

Money drives war as those involved with making weapons, big corporations rub their hands together as they line their pockets with blood-stained wealth.

There is a song by King Crimson, I don't recall exactly what song it is, but one line says, You can't take it with you when you go. People need to realize this truth. The things you do take with you when you go are your actions while on this earth. These will be what you will be judged on.

Everything you and Marion do for so many others is extraordinary and these actions not only help those you serve but they inspire me to be a better individual.

I agree, and it's that wisdom that is the important factor. So many prefer not to learn their lessons in their past, and they live in a continuous circle by making the same mistakes.

Consider this, some countries sit on huge stockpiles of arms, and with their economies in a bad shape, the danger is that they will have to start retrenching the staff at the munitions factories. Another issue is that the stockpiles of arms face a danger of expiry, and they might soon be listed for destruction. So, what will be a logical answer to this dilemma. Simple. Start a war somewhere.

You can't take it with you when you go. So true, as you came in with nothing, and you will go out with nothing. A saying that I often repeated in my sermons, and I also liked to mention the reality of sin and hell, to the dislike of the resident ministers, as they liked to preach comfortable sermons in order to keep their congregations happy. I think that they held a party when I retired :))

We know your hearts, and they are good, that's why you guys and your family are blessed, and we only do what we can for others. Thank you, guys, for all of the much needed support, and know that we see you as partners in our work. So, the credit of our work goes firstly to our Father in Heaven, and then to our partners.

Blessing to all.


To paint a rosy picture, one that avoids the truth is really a disservice. I guess that if you tell folks what they want to hear they will keep coming back.

The other ministers may have been happy to see you go, but in the long run, it is their loss.

Being a partner in your guy's mission to help others is an honor!

Well, the Lord decides on our comings and goings, and my time was up with no regrets. The truth cannot be hidden, as sooner or later it will be revealed, so it's out of my hands now and it's another closed chapter in my life.

Fortunately, I was led to start Papillon and the battle continues, but it's a battle that we love, and you guys are worthy partners.


It's horrible to see children die of disease at such a young age. No parent should ever have to see their child die like that. The world really should be focused on making the world better and fighting diseases, but instead greed and power lust is rampant everywhere. Sadly, the world has always been this way. The older I get it just seems to get a little worse.

I love to be out in nature and just enjoy the sound of the birds and the quiet rustle of the wind in the trees rather than see the world turn into a giant mess yet again. I would love to see some peace and love win out, but with the greed for power it likely never will...

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Cancer has become rife and very expensive treatments, such as Chemotherapy are offered. Sad thing is that it kills many. Medicine has also become very expensive, and big pharma keeps their investors happy. Something radical has to come in order to make medicines more affordable for everyone. You are right, as greed rules.

Yep! Nature is the place to be, as it is real healer, and I like the way that you describe it. Sadly, the world is deteriorating more every day, and it's that same greed, that will eventually come to cost the greedy ones.


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