The free beauties in our world.

in #hive-1949133 years ago

Have a deeper look around and you will be surprised at what you see.

I got this tiny one above in a carpark at a shopping center. The shoppers were bustling around me with their trollies and minds engaged in the things that they are going to purchase.

We are surrounded by beauty that sadly so many don't give a second glance at. Trapped in their phones and busy minds, they don't have the time to look around at the free beauty that is available to all of us.
I, for one, am always struck by the shows that Mother nature so freely gives to me.
Come have a look below and you will see what I mean.



Can you believe that all of this surrounds us at some time or another during the seasons. Readily made for us to enjoy and to marvel at.
So with this post, I am trying to wake everyone up so that they can enjoy the sights that are not only mine, as it belongs to everyone at no charge.
It always delivers a certain serenity to my mind and it calms my thoughts.




So in closing, my prayer is that all of us will open the eyes of our souls to seriously appreciate these wonders that were made for our enjoyment.
Instead of arguments and fighting there is a wonderful world waiting to be explored, and in this world there are no lies as only the truth prevails over the centuries.
It is us, as mankind, that make our own lives so difficult and its also us that go around making others just as miserable as ourselves.
There is absolutely nothing miserable in this show, as it was intended by me to lift up everyone's spirits.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


Right, instead of looking at the other people and what they have, we all should look more up and down and appreciate the beauty that Mother Nature gives us for free.

Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER or !WINE

Exactly my own thoughts Hannes and I am rushing now as we have a power shutdown in 50 minutes time at 8pm.

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I think the power cut has already happened, so good luck andgood night, my friend 😃

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

These power cuts are a big pain and you can imagine how much money our country is losing during the cuts. It also is not good for foreign investments and so it's a real struggle here.
Thank you for the care.

Cheers and thanks.

They should spend the money they loose into working power plants and power cuts would be history 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Oh no, all of the plants are way past their lifetimes and the two new ones are not working.
So now the cost of electricity to the consumers have tripled and they want more money in order to cut their losses. In the meantime they are owed billions that they cannot get and their debt is sky high.
It's a long and intricate story and most of it not planning for the population growth 😐

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

We have been talking about that before and it's all about the money - the people don't count.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Yes, you are right and we are in big fights here as some of the old buildings are being set alight and burnt out. Strange things are happening.

Cheers and thanks.

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Yep it is the same here. I never understand how people can walk right by a magnificent sunset and are too busy to pay it any mind.

We see it everyday my friend, and I think that people have become so accustomed to their rushed ways of life that they never even look at the sky.


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