The mountains and the sea.

We are fortunate to have both within easy reach here and I will show 5 photos of each.

I start here with an early morning shot during our first power cut of the day.

Things are getting tougher now at the early start of winter in South Africa. For instance, the power cut levels have been raised and now we have a morning power cut from 2-4am, then mid-morning from 10am to 12 noon, and another one in the late afternoon from 4 till 8pm. Imagine that you are a shop owner and you do not have the money for a generator. That means you have to shut your shop during these hours. Even if you had a generator, the fuel prices are so high that it would bankrupt you in a few months. A real struggle for all of us to bear.
Any case, I digress, as come and have a look at what I have for you today.



This photo, and the one above, is of the Hottentots-Holland mountain range that is situated at the eastern side of the place where we live.

This photo, framed by nature, is of the Helderberg mountain towards the northern side.

And now for the ocean.

My shadow appeared in this photo, and I just thought to include it.

The African sun is known for its fierce heat, but it can also be gentle and much cooler during the colder seasons.

That is the sun that was dropping behind the mountain range on the horizon.

A last flash of sunlight on that high building at the right of the picture.

And finally, it was time to go home.

As we travelled along the seashore, we were amazed to see how many locals and visitors were still visiting the beaches. Traffic on the foreshore road was bumper to bumper, and we crawled along in slowmo. A lot of tourists are also still around, and things seemed very festive with long queues at the ice-cream parlors and the restaurants. I think that many people have now cottoned on to the idea of going out during the power cuts, and I am glad as it is very good for all, health-wise.
Such is life here at this time.

I hope you have enjoyed the photos and the story.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


wow!! incredible mountain views, you have seen the wonders and beauty of God's creation, I am very interested in the photos you present🤩

very beautiful photos.

Thank you and I am glad that you liked the photos.

Very great and amazing shots. I love to see the sea side.

Thank you and we are blessed to have the sea close to us.

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Very beautiful portrait that you share

Thank you and I am glad that you liked it.

Great shots reminding me how I miss the sea.

Thank you and I hope that you will get to the sea again some time or another.

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Amazing shorts of morning and evening views looks adorable, I love the sky view with beautiful clouds ☁️❤️😊

Thank you for the appreciation, and we don't often go out during the late afternoon power cuts, but this time we decided to go and have a look at the sea sunset.


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What a beautiful beach view, shame those buildings are there :-(

The power cuts are really bad for everyone, but I would love to live as close to the sea as you - how wonderful 😊


The good and the bad, or the bad and the good always go together my friend.
Thank you for the compliment.

Have a !BEER

There's always a good side for every bad thing that happens - the bad power cuts give you the opportunity to get out in nature to show us beautiful views 😀

You're most welcome, my friend 😊

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Good reasoning my friend and as soon as my medical issue is resolved, we will drive out to get photos in other areas 😊

Blessings and thank you!

Good morning my friend,

sorry for the delay but I have had a couple of hard days at work and didn't even think of turning the computer on at home.
Yesterday morning I started to do some replies but a meeting disturbed my Hive work 😭 !LOLZ
I hope that tonight I will be able to do the rest 😅

I hope your health problems will soon be past, my friend ☺️ 🙏

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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Impresionantes imágenes❤️

Thank you kindly!

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Absolutely stunning photos. We truly do live in the most beautiful place in the world. ❤️

Thank you and yes, we are glad and blessed to be here.

Oh it is so special to live close to the mountains and the ocean. Mind you, the ocean is not exactly close to us. Anyway, sorry that the loadshedding is affecting you. It's wierd for us to go into town (or a city) and shops are closed due to loadshedding. Our local butchery has actually closed its doors because it could not sustain generator prices to keep fridges and freezers running. So sad

Oh shame yes, you guys are stuck out there, and I hope that you have solar?
So many damages are caused by the power cuts, as many persons lose their entire pensions and savings that they have pushed into their small businesses when they are forced to close down.
Worse is to come if we are to believe the news out there.
Life is certainly squeezing everyone and all due to greedy fingers in the money pots.

That is sadly true

Something has to give and soon, else this country will be totally ruined.

Question is: what. And will it involve a total makeover to survive. But on a cheerful note; we will always have those beautiful SA mountains and ocean to forget all the bad parts - and lovely people, like you to have something to smile about

Yep! A mesmerizing question indeed.
Humor in my case is a life saver and you are right as it is so much better to concentrate on the surrounding beauty.
We have a cold front landing tonight and good news about rain here and inland. I hope that it will also rain in the Karoo.