Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!
I was seriously considering putting off this part of the series for the next week as I have been very busy lately (again) and I´m currently also fighting some sickness (typing these lines with a fever) but I have already skipped enough here on my blog in the past few weeks so let´s stick to the plan and roll out the third part of my photography series dedicated to the amazing people of Zanzibar today as intended ;)
Before we get to the actual photos though, let me guys thank you again for your incredible feedback on the second part of the series that I posted here on my blog last week. Just like the first one, it received a lot of support from a number of different curation groups and dozens of nice and valuable comments. I really appreciate the engagement that this series has been generating and I hope that the third (and penultimate) part of it will not disappoint either.
Without further ado, here are 20 photos that I picked and edited for the third part of my photography series celebrating the amazing people of Zanzibar. Enjoy! :)
I hope you liked the pictures. For more information about the extraordinary Tanzanian archipelago called Zanzibar and its amazing people, please check out the first part of the series where I also included a decent chunk of text to help you understand the photos better ;)
Thanks for your attention everyone and stay tuned for more travel content from this magical place. Until then... Hakuna Matata!
Edit: You can find the other parts of the series below:
Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 1
Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 2
Amazing people of Zanzibar, Tanzania - part 4