Photography of this weak : Dragonfly Weak

in #hive-194913last year


Hello everyone
After a long time I am back again in photography . well its much difficult for me to click photos because of my short time. My office time start 8.30 to 5.30pm and when I back to home its already evening. so I can’t go out for photography. But when I got some time I will try my best to click photos. You know that a camera is almost 1-2kg so its much difficult to carry every time . so some time I am using my mobile phone camera for photography . well today I am share some photos and details of this weak.**

Neurothemis terminate / Red Dragonfly

*Well its one of the most beautiful dragonfly. But its much difficult find out . because its very shy and when people close to it its fly way. All dragonflies are same there life cycle are same . just its different is its color . its hole body is red color and wings are also red color but it’s different is end of the wings it’s a small transference. This transference color make the dragonfly more and more beautiful. Its legs are some time red and some time black color . i am using my 55-70mm zoom lens to click this dragonflies photo. But you know I am using full zoom others wise its fly way to see me. Because its eyes are really big size . when you see the photos you can imagine its eyes are too big and its can move separately that’s why this fly can see any object very easily and even its see two object at a single time . that why its one of my favorite list








Paragomphus / Green Dragonfly

Green dragonfly is very common . you can see all over the season in anywhere . specially the tropical areas its very common . its bigger in size . but the most common different is its tail its very narrow . and its looks like a snake skin. In its tail you can see black and yellow striped this stripe make this dragon fly most beautiful . But its full body is green and black color. Its mouth is more bigger then the others dragonflies. Well its legs are also bigger and very strong . Its always set in lower places and finding small insects as like mosquito and others. It’s a real hunter and its hunt to feed it self. Some time if you try to catch this fly it may bite in you hand and its hurt much . so I suggest to not catch this dragonflies . its wings are totally transference color . so you can see easily and some time its shining so its looks very beautiful










Sympetrum meridionale / Yellow Dragonfly

Well its not common but you can see this fly in a seasonal time . as like that tis common season . its available now . you can see anywhere . but where water is available this place you can see maximum dragonflies . This fly is totally yellow color . Wings are transference and some time its some yellow color . this dragonfly is one of the most beautiful dragon fly . but its very difficult to see . because this yellow color work like camouflage. So in shinny weather its much difficult to see the yellow color dragon fly . its also very clever . its fly very fast and its don’t like to some one close to its and try to catch this . so when its see some thing its just fly way. Its tail is more thicker then the green one and also short . so its looks like a beautiful dragon










Chalky percher / Blue Dragonfly

Its one of my favorite and most beautiful then others . but its very rear . after searching all day I got only one . so I am trying my best to click some photos . but its very fast and smaller in size so much difficult to click some photos .its body is blue color and tail is also blue some time you can see black stripe end of the tail . its wings are transference . Eyes are blue and black mixed and legs are black color this combination make this dragonfly one of the most beautiful dragonfly.











Photography is my passion . I am spending much time for this . but because of busy time I didn’t get much time for this . so I am trying my best to click photos in Friday. This day I am totally free . so I schedule this day . at least 2 hours for photography . some time fast half and some time after lunch that’s means afternoon . but in Friday I have many work to do . Because you know when you are engage in a place is its much difficult for you to do everything in a single day . but as photography is my passion so I am trying my best to use some time for photography. Hope Next Friday I will Come with some new photos

Thanks for your time

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