Random Photography Date: 22.02-2023

in #hive-1949132 years ago

Hello everyone

Its time to publish a blog with today's photography . i am starting my Photography early in the morning . its take much time to click all Photos. you need much time to take a perfect shot . Well i am trying to click better . lets see some photos..

Beautiful Pigeon







Well everyone know about pigeon . its a symbol of peace . some people said where pigeon are live this place is one of the most beautiful and peace place of the world . Pigeon don't like much sound and noise . they try to live silent place . this place is also a better place . owner of the house is not much silent he always shouting . i don't know how this birds live there . Well there are much pigeon there but i am trying to focus only one . You can see its eyes is really much pretty and and beautiful . its feather are also white and with black spot . this spot make this bird much beautiful

Beautiful House Fly





Who don't know about house fly . House flies are common all over the world you can always find this fly in dusty place and some time in food and others place . this is a species of house fly there more species . Some are black color and some are another color . You can see in here 2 flies are set . one blue color and another is black and white color . Blue one is most beautiful . its eyes are red color as usual every flies eyes are red color . some are different . it has 8 legs and some wings . wings are depends on its species . well this is a final stage of this fly . its has a very difficult life circle.. starting as a egg then larva then pupa and finally fly .




Its a Indian pied Myna bird . This bird id common in our country . in rainy season they are start making next and produce child . This bird behavior not much good . its always quarrel to others . always shouting and making a place very busy . Most of time you can see this bird open its mouth that means dont come to me i am ready for fight . well i love this bird because of its color and its always set local place and not afraid of humans . some time its trying to stole foods form kitchen and others places . its one of the most beautiful and common bird of Bangladesh

Board Meeting of Crows




Early in the morning some crows are make a meeting in top of the tree . you can see here there are lot of crows are here . In this place they are staying and waiting for there leader . when leader came they start there meeting . crows are civilize bird . they always working and controlling by there leader . Fey years ago you cant see this bird at nights . They are staying village at night and come to town for early in the morning . but Now some crows are staying at town and making permanent nest here . End of the meeting all crows are go way to there place and again start meeting at late afternoon and back to village and others place where biggest trees are available

Random Click of Wild Flowers











You can see here there are three types of wild flower here . i don't know most of there name . because wild flower no one have much interest to know there name . but you can see here most of this flowers are beautiful . Some are white color some are ping color some are green color. Wild flowers are huge numbers of seen all overs the world . is not much smell good . So people don't like this . But as a Photographer i love to see all kinds of flowers and other


Canon 600D
Canon 55-250 MM Zoom lens

I am not good at photography . But always trying to click photos much better . Day by day i am learning photography . How to make a photo better . Its take much time . I hope i learn this photography as soon as possible .

Thanks for your time

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