Buttercups and bubbles ~ My entry to the POB photography contest by @friendlymoose

in #hive-1949132 years ago

Earlier this year when snow had just molten, I was walking past a small stream. It was too small to form rapids, but there was a widened area with some rocks to make the water hop around them.

Right by the spring, there were blooming buttercups. I aimed my camera equipped with Samyang 135mm f/2 and saw a magical background of bright bokeh circles. It was very beautiful but after taking a few photos, I immediately put my backpack on the background and started looking for a lens with a character of its own.

Back then, I didn't own a Trioplan but I was carrying another creation by Meyer-Optik Görlitz, the Telemegor 180mm f/5.5. My unit is damaged and the aperture doesn't close - but who would do that with this lens?

Some of you might know what Telemegor is famous for - the bubble bokeh. To enhance the effect and to be able actually to focus close, I put an extension tube. Below are some examples.

First, photos from the Samyang.

And now follows the Telemegor.

Which lens did better in your opinion?

The last frame is my entry to the #POBPhotocontest by @friendlymoose. For more information:


This article is reposted on my other blogging and social profiles.


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Holy monkey!!! <3


I’m glad you like it ☺️


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I actually prefer the Samyang... I feel like the Telemegor is too sharp...so the bubbles feel like a separate part of the image, whereas with the Samyang, they blend in a nicer way, complimenting the floral focus, IMO anyway. Good luck in the contest! This is a nicer length post from you 🤗... and it enabled me to connect more easily... well balanced !PIZZA


Thank you so much! It took a while to collect my thoughts and put together a post. There's always this doubt when you're low on energy that should I just take a long break and only post meaningful content or should I give small bits every now and then.

I think you need to follow your heart and your joy and do whatever works best for you. You can see though that when you just add that little bit of extra content that your rewards jump up... but not just the rewards, crucially engagements jump too 🤗 So it depends on what you are looking for too. I understand the struggle so I am not pushing you to do more than you feel is possible right now. But I am happy to support you... If you were able to manage slightly longer content by publishing every second day, I would say that would be better for your account or perhaps try something out... make a combined post one day of all your thoughts for that day and post as a blog post of Thoughts for the day... for example so that you consolidate the 3-4 little posts per day into one meaningful post... and just see whether engagement and rewards improve on that basis? 💗 !PIZZA !ALIVE

Many thanks for the support! It’s precious! I should try to organise my day better. I actually miss writing on the daily 5-minute free write topics. I look at the topic and start thinking what to write and… it doesn’t end up in any medium 😕 What else can I say than ADHD…

I enjoy those 5 minute free writes too and I really should do more of them... I get distracted myself and I don't have ADHD. I think I already told you that my youngest who is 9 years old has a diagnosis of autism, ADHD, demand avoidance, and sensory processing disorder... so I understand. If you miss them, maybe do one next time you are in the mood... just look up the daily prompt and do it there and then.

The “there and then” is the key! Procrastination is my killer, often assisted by poor time management.

Yes, you mentioned about your son. I wasn’t family with demand avoidance before. I hope he is receiving appropriate support at school. It’s very important.

Have you read/watched Dreems 2 posts on Time management? I'll drop them here in case they can be of any assistance to you 😊

Get that hourglass figure! The Time Diet
Time Diet: Phase 2: Filling in those curves with balance

Thanks, I hadn’t come across these gems. Tomorrow I’ll start tracking my time use. Let’s see what’s the result after a week 😄

At least I never hit the snooze button! 😂

Yay! 🤗
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Congratulations on your well deserved winning entry in the Pobphotocontest!


The bokeh effects are heavenly!

Thank you very much!

just bokelicious 🙂 lovely bokeh , i have no experience with samyang lenses my self i do however use Jupiter, Helios , Rokkor and a 25mm old cctv camera lens. The telemegor looks just awesome compared to the samyang , could just be the way the lens is build .

Yes, Telemegor “suffers” from prominent spherical aberrations which produce the bright outlines of the bokeh. The Samyang has a modern construction being 60-70 years newer 😄 It’s optimised for sharpness wide-open and aberrations are minimal.

Very cool effect with the water in the background!
Don't forget to add the #pobphotocontest tag or I might miss your post tomorrow.

Oops, sorry! Fixed.

I like the Samsung better - I don't care as much for the look of the really highly defined bokeh. Very pretty images.

Thank you very much!