a visit to the local Zoo
Good Morning
Last Year I visited the Buttonwood Park Zoo a few times, I each year previously when I went i bought a yearly ticket, even though I didnt expect to go more than once to support the zoo, as even though it is small and I feel many of the animals would be better off in a bigger Zoo with more space, from talking tot he staff there it became clear to me they are all very focused on looking after the animals as best they can, so a yearly pass was my way of supporting the zoo
This year, well oops now it was last year, I again bought a season ticket but visited the zoo quite a few times, its very affordable only $25 for a single member yearly pass
starting with a shot of a Bison
Sony A7iv 326mm F6.3 1/125 Sec ISO 125
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The Buttonwood Park Zoo, established in 1894, is the 12th oldest zoo in the United States and has been an important part of the SouthCoast community for 130 years. The Zoo features over 240 species, most notably Asian elephants, red pandas, cougars, eagles, seals, otters, South American primates and numerous waterfowl species. BPZOO is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and has been recognized as “one of the finest small zoos in the United States”.
as I sad the zoo is small and its not one of the big open zoos where you can see many of the animals without having to look through the wires of the cages, I do my bets when I can to get shots where the cage doesnt show, but sometimes expecially if the anaimal is close tot he fence its impossible to noty see it in photos
Sony A7iv 232mm F6.3 1/125 Sec ISO 640
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I always try to get shots of the two Bald Eagles when I visit they always look so regal
Sony A7iv 264mm F6.3 1/125 Sec ISO 800
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there are two bears this larger one and a smaller one, they are such fun to watch running around and playing with each other
Sony A7iv 223mm F6.3 1/125 Sec ISO 640
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also fun to watch are the otters
Sony A7iv 75mm F6.3 1/125 Sec ISO 160
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