Heritage Park fall River
I haven't got out for any photo walks of recent, so sharing some shots from a walk a while back, so I guess I am calling this a a wee way back Wednesday Walk
I went to this spot to try and get some shots of the Braga Bridge in Fall River, which is lit up with lights at night and looks beautiful, I was thinking it would still have the lights on till around sunrise, but alas I was wrong the lights where off when I got there maybe 45 minutes before sunrise, peaking to one of the locals I met walking here that day they turn off the lights around 4AM.
But It was a real nice spot with a good walking path along side the water so I enjoyed my visit there
There was a nice good length walk way by the water including this bridge
And it is next to a place called battleship Cove with many navy ships docked there, you can visit there which I do plan to do some day but was cool to see them from this viewpoint
Walking along the walk way the bridge and battleship cove off to the left, the building inthe far left has a carousel in it
As I walked back and forth along here the sun started to rise and some nice warm color son the horizon
Even though my photos do not show it, a passed by a few people enjoying a nice walk there that morning
AS the light came out the ships at battle ship cove became easier to see
I strolled back and forth along this walk way a few times that morning getting a good step count in that day, lets just say its gone down hill in keeping up my step count in each day since then
As the sun rose some nice pastel colors came out in the sky
And that’s all folks
unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.
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!pinmapple 41.706334 lat -70.160245 long Heritage Park Fall River MA d3scr