Have you ever thought of stopping for a day and looking into the little corners ? those where no one looks in the hectic daily life of work, of cleaning, of commitment to bring money to the table...?
I like to think that those little corners, which don't often catch the glance, are a treasure open to whoever decides to take a distracted and disinterested look at the world and its simple beauty.
So it was that one day, just walking through the city, I visited the house of a friend who kept complaining about how high the grass was in his garden, that he had a lot to clean and little time to do it, while I, like an alicia, wanted to get lost in his yard and maybe find a rabbit.
Crouching down as much as I could I wanted to play with my phone camera, and take pictures of what it would look like if I were tiny and living in a house garden.
the inspiration without a doubt I have taken it from a game called Little nightmares, where the children see a HUGE world full of dangers, the whole world of the adults is big complicated. the distances are long, and honestly everything related to the visual work of that game I love, the colors, the scales, they communicate perfectly the atmosphere that they want to transmit and I love that.
However in my vision it is a less hostile space, almost as if you were an Alice who took a potion to be super small and talk to the plants.
Without more to say I hope you appreciate these pictures taken with a smart phone (yes the camera of a phone) I will not share the model for online security reasons. obviously.
Alguna vez has pensado en detenerte un dia y mirar en los pequeños rincones ? esos donde nadie voltea a ver en la agitada vida diaria en la faena del trabajo, de la limpieza, del compromiso con llevar dinero a la mesa..
Me gusta pensar que esos pequeños rincones, que no reciben miradas frecuentes, son un tesoro abierto a quien decida pasear una mirada distraida desinteresada en el mundo y su simple belleza.
Asi fue como un dia simplemente paseando por la ciudad, visite la casa de un amigo que no paraba de quejarse de lo alto que estaba la grama en su jardin, de que tenia mucho por limpiar y poco tiempo para hacerlo, mientras que yo, como una alicia queria perderme en su patio y encontrar quizas un conejo.
Agachandome lo mas que pude quise jugar con la camara de mi telefono, y tomar fotos de como se veria todo si yo fuera pequeñita y viviera en el jardin de una casa.
la inspiracion sin duda la he tomado de un juego llamado Little nightmares, donde los niños ven un mundo ENORME lleno de peligros, todo el mundo de los adultos es grande complicado. las distancias son largas, y honestamente todo lo relacionado al trabajo visual de ese juego me encanta, los colores, las escalas, comunican perfectamente la atmosfera que quieren transmitir y eso me encanta.
Sin embargo en mi vision es un espacio menos hostil, casi como si fueras una Alicia que se tomo una pocion para ser super pequeña y hablar con las plantas.
Sin mas que decir espero que aprecien estas fotografias tomadas con un telefono inteligente (si la camara de un telefono) no compartire el modelo por cuestiones de seguridad en linea. obviamente.
a carpet of green moss covering the whole floor is one of the most charming things... and although many hate it, I love it, I find it so beautiful and classic, it reminds me that there is life there.
flowers growing wildly amidst all the green bustle
it was a rainy day wich for me its the best time to take pictures, good light, it also gives more drama
look how pretty it looks the floor
and my fav last picture just me wondering around
Thank you so much for reading this post !