Pretty Random Morning Insects

in #hive-194913last year

Early morning today I went outside to hunt some insects because I'm really fascinated with capturing tiny creatures using my 100 mm macro lens. The first thing that I do is look at a plant with plenty of leaves because most of the insects hide on the leaves.

Not just far away at the corner I found two different plants in the plant with long leaves I found a tiny brown jumping spider hiding under the leaves.

At the same plant with long leaves, I also found two houseflies making love to each other.

On the other plant, I found a group of tiny Black Stink Bugs they just crawling into the leaves.

This tiny brown spider eating prey it's really amazing to find an insect like this.

A tiny orange ladybug resting alone on the leaf.

At first look, I don't have any idea what kind of insect of this tiny dark brown attached and crawling into the vine. When I searched on the internet I found a matching photo and this insect is a Lady Beetle Larva.

This is an orange Branded Swift Butterfly they are not a shy type of insect that's why they are so easy to take photographs because even though I accidentally hit the leaves where she resting she doesn't fly away from me.

I never missed on my list to capture this beautiful sidewalk yellow flower they are everywhere so I can easily find them.

This is one of my favorite photographs that I've captured today a baby green Praying Mantis attached to the leaves. I love seeing praying mantis but they are a little bit scary especially the big ones because they look like in attack mode.

Please Note: In this article, all the images are mine I captured them using my Realme 5 Pro.

Camera: Taken by Realme 5 Pro
Category: Insect

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Spectacular shots, thank you for sharing.